Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

Ugh he is too handsome!

Did he have a hard time hatching bc of his leg?
Slate says thank you! He was shrink-wrapped in his egg and I had to help him get out. I assume he could not move correctly because of his deformed leg. He pipped on the side of the egg instead of near the end.
Slate says thank you! He was shrink-wrapped in his egg and I had to help him get out. I assume he could not move correctly because of his deformed leg. He pipped on the side of the egg instead of near the end.
Aw, poor dear. So glad he had you to help him! What a lucky guy. Looks like he has a great life now!
I hear it’s good for respiratory health, so I specifically grow too much so they can eat it. But I have to admit, I can’t stop smelling my hands afterwards 😂

They’re so spoiled and you’re so kind, thanks again ❤️
I’m wanting some fresh dill now! 🤣 Spoil, spoil, spoil those sweet, pretty chickens! ❤️

Sprouts always looks shiny.

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