Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

My Silver Duckwing Old English Game Bantam, Runt. She was a sweetie! And so little, I could pick her up with one hand.
Our neighbors cat killed her a while ago, I was so mad! If that cat is ever in the road while I’m driving…🤣 the cat almost got my four week old chicks once. I was halfway across the yard and knew I couldn’t get there in time. After a second of thinking I sicced the dog on it. The same dog in my profile pic🤣 he is usually sweet, except when something is getting his chickens. The cat was up the fence about 5 seconds before the dog slammed into the fence.
Our neighbors cat killed her a while ago, I was so mad! If that cat is ever in the road while I’m driving…🤣 the cat almost got my four week old chicks once. I was halfway across the yard and knew I couldn’t get there in time. After a second of thinking I sicced the dog on it. The same dog in my profile pic🤣 he is usually sweet, except when something is getting his chickens. The cat was up the fence about 5 seconds before the dog slammed into the fence.
Aw dang, I’m so terribly sorry about your chicken. I hope sharing her with us can bring you some comfort.

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