Picture thread of my hens!

Had my lot for 10 years on the 17th! Everyone bet I would lose interest after 2 month, well I proved them wrong!!

Lacey and Oeflay in the snow a while ago


Lacey and babies






Well my lot lost the queen of the flock yesterday! Top hen PL sadly died after a long 7 years with me! Not sure whether to class her as an ex battery hen or not as I got her the day she was supposed to go into the cages. We rang the farmer to ask if he had any but he said they'd all gone but we could have some of the young ones if we were willing to pay extra. Me and a few others took 8 that day and she was the only one to make it past 2012 (got her in 2010). She was one of a kind bless her, always split up the fights and attacked crows that were going for chicks when the cockerels stood and did nothing. She also survived three stoat attacks in one week back in 2012. She was certainly the nicest boss hen I've come across, never chased anyone away from the food or anything. R.I.P!
:( The first pic is of her (on the left) with her two friends when I first got them back in 2010!




You get beautiful pictures, John. Sorry for your loss :(sounds like she was an accomplished gal in the 7 years she had with you. Any what a stunning location you're in, wow. A chicken should be so lucky!
You get beautiful pictures, John. Sorry for your loss :(sounds like she was an accomplished gal in the 7 years she had with you. Any what a stunning location you're in, wow. A chicken should be so lucky!
Thank you very much! She was great, just wish we had more time together!
I'm so sorry you lost PL. She was one of those special chickens that happen every so often.

This last pic of the ducks what is her name? I love her coloring. She is just gorgeous.

I don't know where the favorites are at now. I had your post under my favorites and it was always easy to find. Now I have to hunt them down. I just can't get used to the changes.

Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful flock with us. 10 years is a long time to have birds and they are very lucky to have you.
I'm so sorry you lost PL. She was one of those special chickens that happen every so often.

This last pic of the ducks what is her name? I love her coloring. She is just gorgeous.

I don't know where the favorites are at now. I had your post under my favorites and it was always easy to find. Now I have to hunt them down. I just can't get used to the changes.

Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful flock with us. 10 years is a long time to have birds and they are very lucky to have you.

Thanks very much! Yeah unless I have alerts from threads I like I don't know how to find them. To find this one I have to type my username into the search bar. The duck in the last pic is called Phoebe :)
Well today was interesting. Both phoebe and Maggie started sitting a while ago but the Drake died a few weeks before they started sitting. So I bought them some fertile eggs which were due to hatch on the 5th of June. I left some of phoebes eggs in the nest so it didn't feel like such a dramatic drop of eggs when I put only a couple fertile ones in. Anyways I've been really busy at work recently so don't always go find Phoebe as she's sitting in someone else's field. I always go find her though if I don't see her after two days. I realised today it had been a couple days so I went to see her only to find her missing and what I thought was an eaten egg in the nest and a couple cold ones. I assumed the worst and thought something had killed her and ate some eggs. I searched everywhere for her when I found her right the way across the field she was sitting in with 3 little babies! She must have laid the eggs soon after the Drake went!! Wasn't expecting that at all! Just hope she hasn't been off the others too long. The broody chickens were happy to take them!


Happy ducks








The dinosaurs and Phoebe



I haven't been on BYC site in a while, because I haven't been getting email updates for my subscribed threads like this one.
I'm so sorry you lost PL. Has the flock acted much differently since the passing of their beneficent leader?

Your duckling photos make me smile as usual :)
I haven't been on BYC site in a while, because I haven't been getting email updates for my subscribed threads like this one.
I'm so sorry you lost PL. Has the flock acted much differently since the passing of their beneficent leader?

Your duckling photos make me smile as usual :)

Thank you!! I'm struggling to get used to the new one but I haven't been on as much. They've not acted differently actually, her back up girls who used to follow her about were a bit lost but she had been out the picture for a few days before she died. A couple tried to dethrone her the day she died but she still managed to beat them, with my help obv!!

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