Pictures of my Silkie babies from Ultra1classic/Bob!! *Pic Heavy*

I have some eggs from Bob that are hatching as I type! I can't wait to see what I get!!
They are out in the barn under a broody and it is so cold and rainy that I stopped checking.
I am hopeing that by morning I have babies!!!
You are soooo lucky to live so close to him that you can pick them up. It is prob a good
thing I don't because I would be his best customer! (and always broke lol!)
I love his birds!!!!
I hope you have a big coop to put them silkies in because you might only have a few now
but just you wait!!
Hahaha jen! That's what I am afraid of!!! I always say, Thanks Bob, talk to you soon! Because I know I will....I have Blacks, splash, a white and now I need blues at some point. Oh and lavender!! LOL I think you will be very happy with what you get...ALL of his birds are so nice!

Brendpa- only the black ones are 5 and 7 weeks...the bigger ones are 10 weeks and much bigger than the black ones! And, yes, my daughter is thrilled to have them! She is in love with Silkies now..but then can't really blame her I mean..just look at them!!!
Same here, Karen! Angus, the blue, looks just like Ceasar and is getting meaner by the minute. The splash, MacLeod, seems to be far nicer.

Becca, I don't know that I will ever see silkies as real chickens, but they are cute! So is Kenz!
Oh I woke up to find some babies this morning. YEAH!!!
Yea Bob seems like a really great guy and has sent me
lots of pics of his birds.
Silkies are like potatoe chips! LOL!!

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