piercings and tattoos for them or against them?

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I would agree with that. I would hesitate as a small business owner hiring someone with a lot of facial piercings or facial tats. Only because there are a lot of people that can't see past them and I might miss some sales because of it. Wouldn't even be a consideration if they weren't working with the public or if I had a business that catered to an open minded client base. I also think that a lot of visible stuff would limit how far you could go in a big corporation for sure. Although there are exceptions of course.

A 3rd eye on the forehead would be kind of cool.
totally agree about facial tattoos i do not like them nor will i ever get one and i personally wouldnt hire someone with them either. now piercings are different to me i would hire someone with piercings but they would have to take them out. if i have to you have to. now like retainers i think on some places like the nose or lip or eyebrow are okay depending on what guage it is. my very good friend has a 10 guage belly button ring in his eyebrow (couldnt find a bigger eyebrow ring) and i think its really very bad looking. my favorite piercing would be the septum you can just flip it up and cant see it. i did that with my mom when i was 14-17 and when i was 18 it was my choice to have it even if she didnt care for it at all. now a couple years later ive taken it out let it heal up. got it pierced again and again. its just a personal choice for me to have it.
I don't plan to ever get a tattoo, as I am deathly afraid of needles and syringes going into me. I have two ear peircings in each ear, though. I'm in the 6th grade, and this one girl in my grade got a NOSE PEIRCING!! And get this... Her "boyfriends" mom did it!
I've got nothing against peircings and tattoos, but 12 is a bit young for a nose piercing!
My son has a female friend that came to our house at Christmas. She had a ring in her nose. When she first came in she bent over to pet our dog and I didn't realize she had the ring. It looked just like a booger hanging on the edge of her nose. I was a little intoxicated and politely told her she had something hanging out of her nose. I was a little embarrassed when she looked up and I saw it was a ring.

In the Army a lot of guys pierced their ears. They of course were not allowed to wear the ear rings when they were on duty. They kept nylon fishing line in the holes so they wouldn't close. Back in those days ear rings were a sign of weather or not you were gay. One ear meant straight, the other meant gay. Do they still do that?
I have many, many tattoos, am actually planning a his and her tattoo with dh on our calves....My daughter who is 15 1/2 has her cartilage in her ear done(I did it for her) and she has her belly button pierced. As long as she maintains grades she will keep them. I won't let her do facial piercings. I don't want to restrict my kids too much. My mom hates piercings and tattoos. I have quite a few piercings and at least 9 tattoos. I got tattooed as soon as I could and if my mom didn't hate it as much as she did I probably wouldn't have gotten as many as I did. I asked my kids to wait till they were 21 to get any tattoos and then we will pay for it...if they still want. We(dh and I) have placed our tattoos so most can't be seen if we dress up to go out. I had a hernia surgery in october(that's what I get for so many pregnancies) and will get a belly button piercing once I drop my weight to where I want. I am also going to get a rib piece when I get to my desired weight...of course that can be concealed too
. I am not one for facial piercings really, just personal preference. I want to be able to maintain a professional appearance, same as dh, we are both going to school to be teachers.....
i have not read all the posts. I dont' have that much time right now. but i wanted to say that i have had many piercings.. and i have 8 tattoos.. and im getting more. the piercings i have had include(but are not all of) my ears(three times each) my tongue, labret(twice) my earl(the bridge of the nose) my septum, and my belly button(which i did myself). my tattoos are on my arms, my calves, my chest,and the back of my neck. My next tattoos are gonna be my back(wings) and my sleeve to my elbow in memory of my dad.

People ask me if i am gonna let my children get them as well.. i say to each their own. IF you don't like it dont look.
but that's just me.
I always say i had tattoos before tattoos were cool....which of course isnt true but 20 years ago when i got my first one, not many girls had them, at least they wouldnt allow them to show unless they were "biker babes" and the likes of many stereotypes. Each one of my 11 tattoos are meaningful to me. I also chose, for myself to have them where i could hide them if my profession required it of me. Although I am against descrimination towards those who choose to be tattoo'd, I also believe that there is a time and a place to flaunt them. I was with a group who lobbied for tattoo acceptance in the work place within a certain corp, they did not lose but they did not win. There were stipulations that were agreed upon and stipulations for bth sides that they just couldnt come to agreements about. I personally don;t understand those who i've come in contact with, and I know many others who enjoy body art have also come in contact with that want to instantaniously judge you because of them. If you met me in a casual setting you would most likely see one or 2 or 4 of my tattoos, but if you met me professionally, you'd never now i had any. Unfortunatly, we are judged by our appearances first, its sucks, but its true. So if you want a piece of body art, think about it long and hard, go to someone with years of expierence under their belts, MANY professional artists are just that...artists and should be able to draw you exactly what you want, and if they show you something that isnt just so, you are allowed to say so...remember, you are paying for them to adorn your body for life, it is to be EXACTLY as YOU want it to be...not the artist.!!!
I got a tattoo two years ago when I was going through a divorce. I did it as more of a liberation thing, since 1) my ex-husband told me I couldn't get one and 2) I always wanted one. I did have a fear of needles though and cleanliness was a HUGE issue for me. I spent the better part of three months researching the various tattoo, checking to make sure that their artists had the proper credentials, that they had an autoclave that was properly cared for, and that the place itself was clean. All the while, I spent the time figuring out where I wanted it and what I wanted. I wasn't going to get something meaningless put on my body. I spent forever agonizing over the design (which is true: I can't draw very well and it drove me mad). Finally, two weeks before the deadline I set for myself, I went to go get it. I know that it will forever be on my left shoulder blade and that my formal dress selection will be forever limited, but it makes me feel good that an outward manifestation of my greatest desire and biggest condition will be there to remind me and others that no one will ever set limits on me again, but me.

While I often admire tattoos on others and I personally don't have a problem with them or piercings. I can understand how and why businesses would be reluctant to hire people that had an abundance of them, especially on their face and parts that are exposed. It doesn't look professional and people can be put off by them.

I also admit I like the look of some of the extra piercings on people's ears and have secretly wanted an eyebrow piercing for forever. Will I do it? Probably not. I know how people respond to those sorts of things and I like it when people can look at me without forming false preconceptions based on my appearance.
Most people do not notice my nose, it's a microgem, so it's not really visible. The guinea fowl don't see it. My eyebrow, depends on what is in. Since it's a single, a neutral stone is easily ignored.
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