Pigeon flew away


Aug 26, 2019
Yesterday I bought 2 pairs of Damascene pigeons from an auction. I got back home well after dark so I left them in the small container they were in for the night. This morning I went to move them to a larger cage because they couldn’t spend the quarantine period in the small cage they came in. But unfortunately one of them got out. She (I assume) has mostly stayed around the cage where all the other pigeons are. I put the caged pigeons in an open area with some corn to hopefully lure her back. I had been keeping an eye on her all day but the second I went in for a well needed glass of water she flew off and I haven’t been able to find her. I live on 5 acres of partially wooded land sandwiched between a farmers field. My question is will she come back to her cage mates? Or is she going to try and fly back to where she associates with home? Are damascenes even good homers? And lastly what else should I do?

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