Pilgrim Geese thread

Only thing I worry about even with thick brush is foxes can hide out just waiting to take one. or 2. But it's basically up to you, you know your area better than we do. Not meaning to scare you but i feel alot better knowing mine are behind a fence.
well yeh we dont have foxes and yesterday i let them rome and they came back to their home no problem but i will still probably fence them in
weeelll we kind of do only in winter and it is winter they only come at night and even then ive only seen 1 in my life
Now that you have geese always be on the alert, seems any pred with in 50 miles radius knows you have something good to eat and they will be around night or day. Just the way it is.
weeelll we kind of do only in winter and it is winter they only come at night and even then ive only seen 1 in my life

You should get a Great Pyrenees or another LGG, especially if you're not going to fence them in or if you don't have a fence. I've never physically SEEN a predator in my yard but I know they're there, I had one duck taken and one goose attacked over 1.5 years. My great Pyr isn't a 100% garuntee but he barks at any sound, any smell, anything that moves, any type of bird that flys over the yard. I know that he would fight to the death to protect my home, his home, his geese and his own life. He's charged strange dogs that come into my yard and got into a fight with the neighbors dog who came too close.

But he's not a killing machine, if I take him out of the yard he's perfectly well behaved, loves people and other dogs, but when he's in the back yard he's doing his job.

So, again, if you're not going to give them a fence at least give them a true guardian.
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