Pine pellets for coop bedding??? Does it work?? I'm curious....

It was only 80% humidity last night so I can’t think that is what caused it. We have had plenty of 90%+ nights but the coop has only ever got up to like 75% at the highest in the past ~18 weeks.
The humidity in your coop should be lower with pellets. I'd just do like I mentioned on your other post and either shovel those piles out, or mix them into the pellets. They'll dry out. You're putting them in there whole right? As in not wetting them first?
The humidity in your coop should be lower with pellets. I'd just do like I mentioned on your other post and either shovel those piles out, or mix them into the pellets. They'll dry out. You're putting them in there whole right? As in not wetting them first?
the coop seems to be hovering around 50-60% on a normal day or night and 60-70% on rainy days. The highest was 83% before I put bedding or anything in. And yes i put them in whole. I ended up Getting a different type of bedding. I think it may be a better fit for me as I have lots of large breeds and the pellets have no give to them. And when you have a 9 pound chicken (well 7 lbs currently, but she isn’t even 6 months yet) and a 3 foot high roost it just isn’t good for their legs. I do love the pellets I just don’t think they are the greatest for me as of now.
It's because there's a pile of poop. The pellets can't get to it. You'll need to get a stick or a metal rake or something and a couple of times a week, mix those piles up into the pellets, or just remove the piles if that's easy enough. We've never had that happen, and doubt humidity has anything to do with it as it's usually 70% humidity here most of the time.
I had been mixing them every other day. This was from a fresh pile
I just looked in the coop this morning and there was mold covering a pile of the poop and pellets. It was directly below the roost. The pile was wet for some reason. looks like I am going to try out a different type of bedding 😫
I am completely wrong. It wasn’t mold. It was a shelless egg one of my pullets laid. I feel like an idiot
Oh no! Well, how could you have known if you only caught a glimpse before you had to leave? Must be another new layer for you!
Maybe. It was one of my two jersey giants. That is really all I know. Luna did do a half squat today when I went to say hi to her so there is a chance. Or maybe it was my Orpington laying the pink eggs the whole time, star is laying one of the brown ones and princess the other and no one else is laying yet? I am just confusing myself so much 🥲
Maybe. It was one of my two jersey giants. That is really all I know. Luna did do a half squat today when I went to say hi to her so there is a chance. Or maybe it was my Orpington laying the pink eggs the whole time, star is laying one of the brown ones and princess the other and no one else is laying yet? I am just confusing myself so much 🥲
You need a trail cam pointed at the nest boxes...

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