Pipd's Peeps!

Day 20 picture of the day! It's a gorgeous day out here! :love Here's Tessa giving me dirty looks for pointing the camera at her :rolleyes:


Runners up, here is one of Opal's little ones up on a branch 🥰


Terrible, blurry, grainy picture because I had to zoom way, way in to get this shot from a distance, but it's cute so I'm posting it anyway. Opal and her little ones in the food pan out under the tarp :love


And one last sort of unusual picture, Wynne's beard kind of illuminated in the light from the window by the perches this morning.

Pretty! :love And it sounds like you did pretty well on the male to female ratio for TSC chicks! That's good unless you needed a Japanese rooster for one reason or another, of course.

Speaking of sexing chicks, I'm still looking at Opal's 5 babies and waiting for some of them to pop combs or something. There's just no way she hatched 5 pullets... Right? :eek:


I think the above is our day 21 picture of the day because it's pretty adorable. Look at that group of punks! 🤭 Opal is in there, too, allll the way at the back peeking from behind the feeder. She was getting ready to go in to lay an egg, so the babies were milling about waiting on her. :love

The only runner up I got was this shot of Lydda wondering why I was bugging her. 🤭

Nope, no need of a Japanese rooster. Way to many projects going on. I actually gave my two English Orpingtons to my cousin to replace two roosters she just got rid of. I'm trying to get back to my original project and the English Orpingtons where not apart of that.

Still working on pens so I can get the Phoenix and Spitzhauben separated. Then I need to go through them to see how I'm going to build the flocks to work on long tailed EE and crested EE. Also have to see how I'm going to maintain a few pure birds until I'm set on my lines for both those projects.
@pipdzipdnreadytogo if you got 5 pullets from one hatch, you might want to play a lottery or something. 😂 Lydda is pretty! ❤️

I got the hardware cloth tacked around the perimeter today. :weeTook most of the day and I thought I was pretty much done, but as I was looking around, there was a corner part of the south side that was never done. I must have laid just enough to cover gaps at the time and thought that was good enough. I think I had 75% to do today. :thI need to tack the corner section still. So, I don't feel like it's fully done yet, but definitely better than it was. Now, I didn't do the whole dig down 2 feet thing, so I guess if anything wants to dig under from 3' away, it could.
I also need to go around the perimeter of the shed to help prevent things from living under the shed and potentially making their way to the run. There is about a 2' space between the shed and run which has hardware cloth, but the rest of the shed needs done as well. This will help keep the rabbits from living under there too.

I bought this cutter tool (I think it's used for cardboard and fabric) from Amazon and it definitely made it much easier. The tool that I got wasn't intended for hardware cloth, but it wasn't too costly like an electric metal cutter would be. A few of the reviewers used it for hardware cloth. So, I figured if it didn't work, I still have the tin snips. Just that with my hands, the snips eventually make my hands too tired and sore. It does cut through cardboard pretty darn well. :D
My hands are a bit sore, but not like they have been in the past. So, I consider it a win.

The other good news is that the rat hasn't shown its face since the day that I saw it on camera. I hope that it moved on. :fl
@pipdzipdnreadytogo if you got 5 pullets from one hatch, you might want to play a lottery or something. 😂 Lydda is pretty! ❤️

Maybe! Then again, I had pretty cockerel-heavy hatches early on this year, so it's probably just the universe evening back out to the plain old expected 50-50. :idunno

I got the hardware cloth tacked around the perimeter today. :weeTook most of the day and I thought I was pretty much done, but as I was looking around, there was a corner part of the south side that was never done. I must have laid just enough to cover gaps at the time and thought that was good enough. I think I had 75% to do today. :thI need to tack the corner section still. So, I don't feel like it's fully done yet, but definitely better than it was. Now, I didn't do the whole dig down 2 feet thing, so I guess if anything wants to dig under from 3' away, it could.

I also need to go around the perimeter of the shed to help prevent things from living under the shed and potentially making their way to the run. There is about a 2' space between the shed and run which has hardware cloth, but the rest of the shed needs done as well. This will help keep the rabbits from living under there too.

I bought this cutter tool (I think it's used for cardboard and fabric) from Amazon and it definitely made it much easier. The tool that I got wasn't intended for hardware cloth, but it wasn't too costly like an electric metal cutter would be. A few of the reviewers used it for hardware cloth. So, I figured if it didn't work, I still have the tin snips. Just that with my hands, the snips eventually make my hands too tired and sore. It does cut through cardboard pretty darn well. :D
My hands are a bit sore, but not like they have been in the past. So, I consider it a win.

The other good news is that the rat hasn't shown its face since the day that I saw it on camera. I hope that it moved on. :fl

Nice, sounds like you did a lot of hard work! Hope the rest of it goes smoothly for you!

Do you have a link or anything for this cutter tool? Anything that makes cutting hardware cloth a bit easier definitely has my interest piqued. I definitely know what you mean about sore hands using tin snips with it. :th

My neighbor messaged me last night and ther where six coons on top of the brooder last night!

Holy moly!! :th Hope you didn't have any more casualties!
Here's our picture for day 22! Roxanne, as some of you may recall, had an ongoing prolapse a few weeks back that took some time to resolve. Here she is today!


Runners up, here are some of the babes at breakfast time. I keep all my birds on the verge of starvation, you know. At least, that's what they believe :rolleyes:


And Mallow. :rolleyes: He hates all cameras and tries to fight any he sees.


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