Pipd's Peeps!

Checking in again--hi, y'all! Last week, some homework got the best of me so I focused on that and opted not to check in here. This weekend, I've finished my homework already, but I won't be around super long because next week is midterms. I have a lab practical on Tuesday, and then a test a day every day after that, plus an essay draft due next Sunday. :th Needless to say, I'll be busy studying!

However, after that is spring break! One whole week where I don't have to go to class or do homework or think!! :wee

I do have a lot to get done while I have that time to work with, of course. The coops are long overdue for a thorough clean out thanks to last semester having me much busier than I expected, I have a ton of growouts from last year to sort through (and hopefully take update pictures of while I'm at it!), and I've got to get my birds rearranged to start my 2025 hatches. I'm worn out just thinking about it! 🤭 But, I should be a little bit more active here, so I guess be prepared to be sick of hearing from me by the time my break is over. 😁

It's been much nicer weather here this past week, which means it's been a lot easier to take pictures of the birds, so I've got quite a few to drop! It also means my room is free of poultry again as I was able to successfully move all of the birds back outside. Yay!! :yesss: Anyway, pictures!

Egg laying has started to pick up here again, thank goodness, but some of the young hens from last year's hatches are, well, a bit confused about where to lay them. This is the bucket I scoop their droppings into when cleaning the coop. :sick

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The Cochin roosts loaded up for the night again. I just think they're adorable all snuggled up like this 🥰

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A couple of Dorkings up on it one morning, Lydda and Myrna. Myrna (to the right) does not seem thrilled by me taking more pictures again 🤭

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(Ganymede says I'm down here, too!)

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Findlay up on the waterer again. Doesn't she look ashamed? :rolleyes:

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...On second thought, maybe not :oops:

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Breakfast time! Vivienne is the big girl at the top left and Sylvie is the smooth Cochin at the top right. I thiiiink the Splash girl at the bottom was Opal and the hen to her left was Augusta, but I don't remember for sure. 🤔 The rest are unnamed grow outs.

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They had a very brief range time a few evenings ago, and a few of them haven't forgotten where to go to get treats from the heavens. :rolleyes: Cazzie, Myrna, Harriet, Fifi, Rangi, and Izzy. Note how intently Fifi is looking up at me 🤭

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I just thought Sumi looked so pretty highlighted by the sunset the other evening :love

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Vega and Sumi up on the Cochin roost a couple mornings ago :love

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Gwenyth "blending in" with the Cochin crowd after reintegrating into the flock. Can hardly tell which one is her, am I right? 🤭

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All the pretty birdies in a row!
Stopping by to update y'all again! It's been a rollercoaster of a week for me :th

It started out on Monday when I noticed Casper, my beloved cat, trying to use the litter box with minimal success. In male neutered cats like him, urinary issues can quickly turn into emergency situations. So, we had to run him to the emergency vet clinic because his normal vet had no emergency appointments left that day. The good news is that he did not have a blockage or a UTI, he had Feline Idiopathic Cystitis, which is a very easy fix and has about a 50-50 shot of never happening again. He was given an anti-inflammatory med and is currently back to his usual self and using the litterbox just fine, thank goodness!

Then, the week of a million tests began.
Tuesday, lab practical for Human Anadomy and Physiology. I got a whopping 98%!
Wednesday, Psychology exam. A 94!
Thursday, Anatomy and Physiology exam. Another 98!!
And, finally, the big and scary one. Friday, Microbiology. I got a little over 92%!
After all that work, I had an essay to write this weekend, which I've finished and turned in today. Double PHEW!!! I need a week's break after that!

This is where it gets tough to write, though. Yesterday, late afternoon to early evening, we had an attack on the flock. I thought I had heard something going on, but with egg laying picking up, I figured it was egg drama, and I had an essay to write. I'm completely ashamed of myself for not just checking on them real quick. 🙁

Morena and Delphine have injuries. They're still with us, but both still in shock I think. Delphine may have eye damage, I'm not sure as of yet. Morena's injuries are pretty mild, but she's not eating and she's just huddling in the corner. Nora has no injuries to be seen, but is also huddling. Roxanne had no visible injuries, but is dead. And the young hen that was hatched by the co-broodies last year, Judy Booty's miracle baby out of the last egg she ever laid, was killed and dragged to the fence to be partially eaten.

The culprit? A mink. A mink. One of the most difficult predators to deal with. I'm so stressed by this. I have all week to keep an eye on my birds, but what about next week when I'm back in class? I just don't know what I'm going to do.

Mostly, though, I'm so sick to my stomach over the whole situation. I heard it happening and I brushed it off instead of just checking on them. I absolutely failed my birds in the most fundamental way. This one's going to hurt my heart for a while.

Needless to say, I need a minute. I'll get to cropping pictures from the past week and sharing them tomorrow. I hope y'all understand.

In the mean time, rest in peace Roxy and sweet little unnamed hen. 💔 Sadly, it had been quite a while since I took pictures of either of them, so these are both quite out of date. 🙁

Judy pullet.jpg
Stopping by to update y'all again! It's been a rollercoaster of a week for me :th

It started out on Monday when I noticed Casper, my beloved cat, trying to use the litter box with minimal success. In male neutered cats like him, urinary issues can quickly turn into emergency situations. So, we had to run him to the emergency vet clinic because his normal vet had no emergency appointments left that day. The good news is that he did not have a blockage or a UTI, he had Feline Idiopathic Cystitis, which is a very easy fix and has about a 50-50 shot of never happening again. He was given an anti-inflammatory med and is currently back to his usual self and using the litterbox just fine, thank goodness!

Then, the week of a million tests began.
Tuesday, lab practical for Human Anadomy and Physiology. I got a whopping 98%!
Wednesday, Psychology exam. A 94!
Thursday, Anatomy and Physiology exam. Another 98!!
And, finally, the big and scary one. Friday, Microbiology. I got a little over 92%!
After all that work, I had an essay to write this weekend, which I've finished and turned in today. Double PHEW!!! I need a week's break after that!

This is where it gets tough to write, though. Yesterday, late afternoon to early evening, we had an attack on the flock. I thought I had heard something going on, but with egg laying picking up, I figured it was egg drama, and I had an essay to write. I'm completely ashamed of myself for not just checking on them real quick. 🙁

Morena and Delphine have injuries. They're still with us, but both still in shock I think. Delphine may have eye damage, I'm not sure as of yet. Morena's injuries are pretty mild, but she's not eating and she's just huddling in the corner. Nora has no injuries to be seen, but is also huddling. Roxanne had no visible injuries, but is dead. And the young hen that was hatched by the co-broodies last year, Judy Booty's miracle baby out of the last egg she ever laid, was killed and dragged to the fence to be partially eaten.

The culprit? A mink. A mink. One of the most difficult predators to deal with. I'm so stressed by this. I have all week to keep an eye on my birds, but what about next week when I'm back in class? I just don't know what I'm going to do.

Mostly, though, I'm so sick to my stomach over the whole situation. I heard it happening and I brushed it off instead of just checking on them. I absolutely failed my birds in the most fundamental way. This one's going to hurt my heart for a while.

Needless to say, I need a minute. I'll get to cropping pictures from the past week and sharing them tomorrow. I hope y'all understand.

In the mean time, rest in peace Roxy and sweet little unnamed hen. 💔 Sadly, it had been quite a while since I took pictures of either of them, so these are both quite out of date. 🙁

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Sorry for the losses. I know that feeling as well. Same thing thinking it was eggs laying noise but it turned out a dog got in my fence from the neighbors and was chasing the chickens and killing them. Only lost three from the incident but I've been hyper aware ever sence and check at every litter noise now.
Stopping by to update y'all again! It's been a rollercoaster of a week for me :th

It started out on Monday when I noticed Casper, my beloved cat, trying to use the litter box with minimal success. In male neutered cats like him, urinary issues can quickly turn into emergency situations. So, we had to run him to the emergency vet clinic because his normal vet had no emergency appointments left that day. The good news is that he did not have a blockage or a UTI, he had Feline Idiopathic Cystitis, which is a very easy fix and has about a 50-50 shot of never happening again. He was given an anti-inflammatory med and is currently back to his usual self and using the litterbox just fine, thank goodness!

Then, the week of a million tests began.
Tuesday, lab practical for Human Anadomy and Physiology. I got a whopping 98%!
Wednesday, Psychology exam. A 94!
Thursday, Anatomy and Physiology exam. Another 98!!
And, finally, the big and scary one. Friday, Microbiology. I got a little over 92%!
After all that work, I had an essay to write this weekend, which I've finished and turned in today. Double PHEW!!! I need a week's break after that!

This is where it gets tough to write, though. Yesterday, late afternoon to early evening, we had an attack on the flock. I thought I had heard something going on, but with egg laying picking up, I figured it was egg drama, and I had an essay to write. I'm completely ashamed of myself for not just checking on them real quick. 🙁

Morena and Delphine have injuries. They're still with us, but both still in shock I think. Delphine may have eye damage, I'm not sure as of yet. Morena's injuries are pretty mild, but she's not eating and she's just huddling in the corner. Nora has no injuries to be seen, but is also huddling. Roxanne had no visible injuries, but is dead. And the young hen that was hatched by the co-broodies last year, Judy Booty's miracle baby out of the last egg she ever laid, was killed and dragged to the fence to be partially eaten.

The culprit? A mink. A mink. One of the most difficult predators to deal with. I'm so stressed by this. I have all week to keep an eye on my birds, but what about next week when I'm back in class? I just don't know what I'm going to do.

Mostly, though, I'm so sick to my stomach over the whole situation. I heard it happening and I brushed it off instead of just checking on them. I absolutely failed my birds in the most fundamental way. This one's going to hurt my heart for a while.

Needless to say, I need a minute. I'll get to cropping pictures from the past week and sharing them tomorrow. I hope y'all understand.

In the mean time, rest in peace Roxy and sweet little unnamed hen. 💔 Sadly, it had been quite a while since I took pictures of either of them, so these are both quite out of date. 🙁

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First, glad to hear Casper is on the mend. 💜

2nd, way to go on all of your tests. :wee

Lastly, sorry to hear about the attack on your flock and the losses. I can't imagine the stress. 💔 I see a lot of people use a live trap with some success for trapping mink or weasels.
This is my biggest fear. The weirdest thing is the other day as I was driving, I saw a mink dead on the side of the road. At first I thought it was a kitty cat and I always say (in my head) RIP Kitty. 🙏 But, then when I realized what it was, I was like well, no chicken for you. I'm sorry I'm weird, but now you know. 😉
Sorry for the losses. I know that feeling as well. Same thing thinking it was eggs laying noise but it turned out a dog got in my fence from the neighbors and was chasing the chickens and killing them. Only lost three from the incident but I've been hyper aware ever sence and check at every litter noise now.
So sad. :hugs
I had a similar, but less tragic situation happen and it does sound like the egg laying song. One of my barred rocks got over to the duck side (but apparently couldn't figure out how to get back over to her side). One of the girl ducks was pulling her feathers. At first, I paid no attn to the sound, but thought I'd check the camera and then could see what was going on. 🙄

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