Pipping day 19 - oh no!

urbanfarmboi said...
I had a chick that tried to get out of the egg for 2 days before I finally intervened and helped him hatch, it was very nerve-racking, but that chick is doing just as well as the early one.

How did you help it out without hurting it? I tried that with one yesterday who had been trying to get out for 2 days. The membrane wasn't really dry and the humidity in my incubator was at 90%, so I tried hard not to tear the membrane and just open a bit of shell for it, it was still moving but then died almost immediately.​
Mine started pipping on day 18 (Imagine how surprised I was to see that before lockdown!) and they were all hatched out by the end of day 19. I had 22/24 healthy and happy chicks and two eggs that quit somewhere around day 12-15. They will be two weeks old on Friday and are all doing great. Point to that little story--Relax and enjoy the new fuzzy butts, and don't forget that we want pictures!
Where did you set the settings /temp 99.5? Humidity?

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