Pipping day 19 - oh no!

10 chicks born out of 24, and 6 more pipping - still day 20!
It freaked me out when mine started early too, but it sounds like it's all going along pretty well. I'd of paid money to go into labor with my kids a few days early though.
Ive had a lot hatch early this time with the LG.I miss my sportsman but I guess all of the chicks have done really good even at early hatches.
So I've had 15 that hatched and about 13 more eggs in the bator. 3 hatched day 19, 12 day 20. Do you think the others will do anything? I'm going to let them in, but just wanted others opinions. Thanks!
I'd leave them until day 22 at least and then candle them. That's what I did with my two that didn't hatch. I did bring the incubator into a hot steamy bathroom to candle the eggs though. I didn't want to screw anything up by being too impatient, but had duck eggs waiting for the bator so I didn't want to risk them by waiting too long on what could be dud eggs either.

Don't forget to post pics of the new fuzzy butts!
I woke up today to a hatched chick in my incubator... tonight at 9pm will be the official day 17 mark.. I am so shocked and they are all starting to pip??? I was so unprepared that I wasn't set to unplug the turning until tonight!!! They are smaller eggs but not bantams so I'm going to leave the others in the bator and keep turning them. My temp was at 100 consistantly and the eggs are quite small?? would this be what made the difference?

I took out all the eggs form the pipping batch and put them in a hatcher so the younger incubating eggs can continue to be turned.

When I saw the movement this morning I yelled "unplug the egg turner!!!' and my 6 yr old dove under the table while I jiggled the cord for him to find and unplug!! I would feel terrible if a little leg had gotten caught in the turner!!

Last year I had a few pips on day 19 but the majority of all my chicks hatched on day 20.

Go figure!
sometimes they will pip early and sit for 24 hours before hatching..... no helping...(that is a shrinkwrap recipe)..... Now back away from the bator... breath... another one.... breathe..

I am sooo excited for you... Post pix!!!

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