Pit bulls- evil. Golden retrievers- BEST DOGS EVER!!! :D:D

I think pit bull type dogs can be just as gentle, and trustworthy as any lab or retriever, maybe even better than some so-called ''best family dogs'' or ''friendliest'' dogs. However, I am a bit concerned about people who say pit bull type dogs are '' Just like labs and retrievers''. They're not. They're a really awesome, powerful breed, like rottweilers, German Shepherds, Mastiffs, etc., and I think need to be treated as such.

I am also concerned that people think that all it takes to make a good dog is training. Training is VERY important, no doubt of it, but genetics, as was mentioned before, plays a big part in how a dog turns out. (This goes for any dog---chihuahuas to Danes to poodles to Border collies).
I personally prefer to measure each dog's behavior on it's own personal merits. While certain breeds are associated with being "Less dangerous" in reality it's just not true. Any breed of dog has the potential to harm a person. I find this to be especially true in smaller breeds. Just because they may not be able to do as much damage as larger dogs many people just consider them "harmless" and fail to give them little to any training. Comparing any breed to another is like comparing apples and oranges. While they may be similar they are not the same and should not be viewed in such a way. While genetics can indeed play a part in a dog's behavior (Especially in cases of backyard breeders) training can greatly reduce the issues created from genetics.
What behavioral traits are you referring to? I've met two different Jindos and they were both wonderfully trained dogs.
i only think they are bad when they are not trained well. My aunt has a VERY sweet pit bull but there is one on my street that attacked my neighbors dog and tried to attack my poor old dog :( but I'm not stereotyping them to be EVIL >:) I know that they can be sooooo awesome!
I'm more of a cat person, but my family has ALWAYS had at least one dog at a time, so I have strong close feelings for canines as well.

My stand is similar to Kevin's post: "I personally prefer to measure each dog's behavior on it's own personal merits." Each dog is different. I've met the sweetest rottweilers and mastiffs and the most rotten chihuahuas and labs. I know that dogs are the way they are from a genetic stand point, but even the most well-bred dog can be a terror in the hands of an - excuse me - idiot. If you don't take the time to train your dog and teach it that you're in charge, that dog will never listen to you and will never amount to a "good dog".

I don't claim to be a dog whisperer or whatever, but I do tend to have a way with animals (could be my small size and dominating personality). I've met people that say their dog is a pain and rarely listens, only to shock them when the dog not only behaves for me but may have even learned a trick or two by the time I leave. I'll admit that I baby my animals, but at the slightest hint of misbehavior, you need to take charge and put your foot down.

I am a die-hard animal lover (even to prefering them over people most times) and I hate that certain breeds get a bad reputation just because people can't take responsibility. That goes for ALL species, not just dogs...
What behavioral traits are you referring to? I've met two different Jindos and they were both wonderfully trained dogs.

The kind that are devoted and loyal to their owners but are reserved with strangers. They need a lot of training, so "wonderfully trained" is a good thing. My mom is Korean and my dad agrees with her about some things with jindos. They have a high prey drive, can climb fences, aren't so well with other dogs, and no matter how far they are from home they can always find a way back (not sure about overseas though lol).
I'm talking about the typical traits with jindos. The ones that they're known for. My dachshunds aren't highly trained, just regular depending if they're outside or inside dogs, and they're all bark no bite. I think it also depends on bloodlines too. The jindos in South Korea still being used as what they were originally used for might be different from an American jindo.
What most makes the temperament of any dog is the temperament of the parents. Temperament is DEFINITELY inherited, including the propensity for dog aggression, guarding ability, and arousal threshold and sharpness.

What made the Pit Bull such a sought after family pet in the early to mid 20th century was its inherent stability, love and tolerance for children, and UNWILLINGNESS to bite a person, any person. These dogs should be completely non aggressive towards humans. This is a remnant of the dog fighting history. A man had to be able to go into the pit and get his dog from the fight once it refused to scratch. Any dog that bit a human, even in the heat of the battle, was culled. "Gameness", or the instant willingness to fight with heart and courage no matter what, was a highly prized trait. The issue with the breed today is poor breeding by people who don't understand this trait. When the GAME trait is directed towards a human instead of another dog, very bad things happen. Uninhibited attacks where dogs DO NOT STOP UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. When the trait of being unwilling to bite any human being is removed from the equation with this breed, you have a problem. This is why these dogs should NEVER be crossed with working breeds or certain other terriers or herding dogs who have more of a willingness to stand up, guard, and threaten/bite a person.
I don't believe that is true. I had a rottie that came from the meanest parents, the mother actually attacked me and the father was severely aggressive, no one could go near him and he escaped his owners yard one day and tried to kill our goats and then tried attacking us when we came to save our goats. Our dog was the sweetest dog, she never bit and grew up with kids, kittens, goats, ducks and when she was older we adopted a deaf rottie and we still never had any problems.




just thought this was cute

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