pix of 5 different chix... need breed for 2 and gender for others

Cove View Farm

In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 8, 2008
Calvert County, Maryland

this was supposed to be rir but I don't think so. She looks more like my bo chicks. maybe a mix?

this is sparkplug.I think he (or she) is sooo cute. He was a bonus rare chick with the order from mcmurray

this is one of three of my new blue splash ameracauna chicks... 5 weeks old, maybe 6

this is two of three

and this is three of three
#1 could be a Comet (similar to a RIR but a sex-linked cross.)
#2 I think is a gold laced Polish.
Beautiful chicks and gorgeous Americaunas!
Sexing: first and second pics of Americaunas look like poss. pullets. The third I think a cockerel.
Good luck!
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I think Sparkplug is a golden polish. The Ameraucanas look like hens to my inexperienced eyes. The first one doesn't look like my buff orps when they were chicks... I'm thinking its something else
The first one looks like a comet, new hampshire or red star, the 2nd one is deffiently a golden laced polish(see her top hat?). Beautiful birds! And the last 3 pictures, the first 2 look like pullets, the last one looks like a cockeral.
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Hatchery RIRs are often that color. The wings are just like them. Could also be a production red.
Then a gold laced polish.
On the Ameraucanas, the last is definitely a cockerel. The others could go either way, but I'm leaning toward cockerels IF they are really only five or six weeks old.
Well the first Ameraucana I'm pretty sure is a pullet... she is noticeably smaller than her siblings and her stature is that of my other, older Ameraucana hen. The second is my one chick I think could go either way. It's not as small as the first but it's not as big as the last. I'm pretty convinced the last one is a roo. He is larger and just has the look and stature. They are still peeping too... so cute.
As for the yellow chick in the first picture... She came in my order and was not like the BO or the RIR's. I guess the hatchery could've made a mistake??

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