Plastic Wrapping Runs

I wrapped my run (8 x 14 ft) in heavy duty shower curtains. We've had a pretty bad cold snap here the past few days - 18 degrees during the day and down to 5 overnight. I need to overlap the curtains because the high winds kept blowing them around. In spite of that the coop stayed a bit warmer, never colder than 20 degrees. The run itself was only 15 degrees this morning when the outside temp was only 4 degrees. I removed their water at night, however, despite the cold, their water did not freeze up as bad during the day. Fortunately the weather is improving today so I can tweak the weather proofing. BTW: my run is covered with corrugated metal roofing. I'm thinking next Spring I'll put in another window on the south wall of the coop to help increase solar warming in the winter. I have 5 hens and a rooster (Rhode Island Reds) and they are doing well. 4 of the hens are laying every day now. Good Luck this winter and hope you all had a nice thanksgiving!
Anyone know an easy way to attach a section of clear plastic on the Left end of my Run. THe pic is 2 posts up. It just has Wire fence across it. No wood frame, just the Metal sides.
Would running Rope zig-zag work you think ?
I used rope and the winds have been blowing wicked bad here the past two days. The plastic kept getting blown out. The wire fencing sounds like it would work better I haven't taken a picture yet. Still to cold.
I saw something pretty clever on BYC’s Facebook page or somewhere last winter, but since I have a hoop run it wouldn’t really work for me. Besides, I’m more than happy with my system. But for those of you with square or even rectangular runs, and space for storage, check this out! Sorry no photos, just a description.

They had laid fencing the size of their run sides flat on the ground, then attached plastic to each section by securing it between 1x2s at the top and ends. Then they stood it up walked it over to the run, secured it to the run with the plastic on the inside, and presto!! A plastic sandwich! No flapping, no re-securing it after every storm, and when the season is over they removed the entire section and stored it for the summer. Come the next winter, they just got out the sections and reattached to the run. Year after year.

Seemed brilliant to me!
I used rope and the winds have been blowing wicked bad here the past two days. The plastic kept getting blown out. The wire fencing sounds like it would work better I haven't taken a picture yet. Still to cold.

I ended up just putting the carport end on instead. I also used Rope to help with the wind blowing it as it is loose.
Tomorrow, once this darned wind and rain subsides, I think I will rig some curtains that open and close. I plan to attach lumber (whatever I can find in the yard) to the run roof to make a sort of eave on the west side by extending the tarp beyond the roof. Then I will attach curtain rods to both the top and bottom of the run. The shower curtains have grommets at the top. I will use gorilla tape on the bottom and make holes on the bottom, too. I have a bunch of shower curtain rings and things that will work as shower curtain rings in the garage. Then I will attach them to the rods on both ends to combat the winds. This way, the wave will over hang the shower curtains and will prevent water from coming in between the roof tarp and the top of the shower curtains. I can open and close them as needed, and hopefully be able to reuse the curtains. When they are open, I can just tie them back.

Confusing description, I know. I will post pics when I get it done. I promise!
Fantastic thread! Ok, don't laugh, but I am in California and my girls apparently are whimps! Last year they LOVED to free range in the rain. However, right now we are in the middle of our first rain of the season and while they did run around a little in the drizzle, as soon as the precipitation or wind picked up a little bit, they went back in. I have nine hens and a funky coop... 4.5x4.5 main area with a 3.5x4.5 second story off to the side. The area beneath the 3.5x4.5 area is enclosed in hardware cloth, so technically is part of the coop, but I think of it as more of a mini run. I actually call it their "sun room." :)
So my run, which is divided in two sections (because it was expanded when we got more birds) is 10x16 on the coop side and 8x12.5 on the other side. I recently pitched a 10x16 tarp which covers the entire original run and just a foot or so of the addition on the run. My girls have been spending all their time in the coop during this little storm even though I covered the run! What will they do when we have a real storm? I think if I wrap the east side of the run, which is the direction the rain and wind drive in, they might spend more time outside. I will also secure the tarp in more places so it doesn't flap so much in the wind. There is no way these girls can spend the rainy season in the coop; they'd beat the cr@p out of each other.
Fantastic thread! Ok, don't laugh, but I am in California and my girls apparently are whimps! Last year they LOVED to free range in the rain. However, right now we are in the middle of our first rain of the season and while they did run around a little in the drizzle, as soon as the precipitation or wind picked up a little bit, they went back in. I have nine hens and a funky coop... 4.5x4.5 main area with a 3.5x4.5 second story off to the side. The area beneath the 3.5x4.5 area is enclosed in hardware cloth, so technically is part of the coop, but I think of it as more of a mini run. I actually call it their "sun room." :)
So my run, which is divided in two sections (because it was expanded when we got more birds) is 10x16 on the coop side and 8x12.5 on the other side. I recently pitched a 10x16 tarp which covers the entire original run and just a foot or so of the addition on the run. My girls have been spending all their time in the coop during this little storm even though I covered the run! What will they do when we have a real storm? I think if I wrap the east side of the run, which is the direction the rain and wind drive in, they might spend more time outside. I will also secure the tarp in more places so it doesn't flap so much in the wind. There is no way these girls can spend the rainy season in the coop; they'd beat the cr@p out of each other.

I am in Cali, too. I am so glad I wrapped my run. It stayed dry inside, giving them more room to frolic. I normally let them free range a little each day, but not today! Too rainy and windy, and I normally hang out with them in the yard. I think I'm a bigger wimp than your chickens! I do think the flapping of the tarp put them off a bit today. That's part of the reason I'm going to make changes tomorrow. My coop is 32 sq ft, so they have room for the 4 of them, but that can't be as much fun as being in the run! They will be stuck in there once I go back to work next week.
All great ideas. I have some plastic sheeting 6mil thickness. I am going to wrap the area i have right under the coop, it is 8' square x 2' high. (3 sides) leaving one opened for them to enter. I am not sure about the run. Its flat on the top, no slope (wire all around) and I like the idea of keeping snow and rain out. I might try using the idea from above post. Wrapping edge of plastic around a 1x2 a couple times then screwing that to the frame just under the roof. My roof hangs over the run just 2'. I believe we are in for it this winter. It will be my girls first. So far they huddle together under the coop first in the early morning. Temps in the 30's. When the sun comes out a bit stronger, then they venture in our garden that is attached to the run.
My poor Rooster Cogburn is being kept in our garage with a bit TLC, and under a heat lamp until we see improvement from his attack from a hunt dog. Almost all his feathers were gone. He got mauled up pretty bad. Several sore spots on him. I believe he would freeze to death if put outside in his condition. Its day 7 for him and we see some improvement. He was new to our girls, and most of them were just getting to like him. Now we have to slowly introduce him again to our girls (once he is completely healed). I have no idea how long to continue to care for him. He was never handled and free ranged. So to catch him is impossible. We continue to treat his wounds daily, I hope his feathers grow back soon or we'll be keeping him in for the entire winter I guess.
Thanks for the great info.

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