Platinum Sussex, Brown Leghorn, Barred Rock & Gold Laced Wyandotte or Barnevelder


In the Brooder
Apr 23, 2020
Hi all,

I've been meaning to post but I've been speding too much time checking other peoples chicks for gender help. Turns out I might be blinded by my desire that they're all pullets :p Can anyone be the voice of reason and guess if these young chicks are pretty pullets or coy cockerals? Also I cant remember if the breeder said the gold laced was a Barnevelder (which I ordered) or if they didn't have any and replaced it with a Wyandotte (which she looks like to me). If anyone can put their 2 cents in on her breed I would appreciate that too. Lastly if there are some cockerals in the mix, I cant have roosters but has anyone had any luck with the collars?

The chicks are all about 5-6 weeks old, purchased sexed as pullets.

Platinum Sussex: Trixie
Behaviour: Bickers with Diva, isnt bossy but will hold her ground if challenged. Very quiet and calm.

Brown Leghorn: Boc-Boc
Behaviour: A little jumpy (naturally) and sometimes has tiffs with Diva (more than Trixie but not extensively) when you pick her up shes quiet and relaxed.

Barred Rock: Diva
Behaviour: Always chatty. Picks fights with the others and if there is ever scuffles she is usually the one in it. She I think is the youngest (always smaller than the others)

Wyandotte/Barnevelder: Tallulah
Behaviour: Never seen fighting (though Im sure she does or did), very calm very quiet.

If you need different angles or close ups of anything let me know, I'll go super marco on their feather butts (not literally, that would be weird).
Thanks JadeFarms & CaliFarmsAR, I had suspicion of Diva perhaps being Divo but I was also worried about Boc-Boc.

Good to know Tallulah is a Wyandotte too although I wanted unique breeds (and I have a blue laced wyandotte week old chick) but she is a super friendly chicken and ultimately I cant deny that is whats more important!
They are all pullets. Brown Leghorns and Barred Rocks have female specific patterns, yours are both females. Tallulah is a Gold Laced Wyandotte.
For the record of anyone reading this thread who has similar looking chicks) these all turned out to be hens, although the Wyandotte waited for 33 weeks before she started (added edit : laying her eggs!

Thank you for those who replied, very informative and I have become more knowledgeable for it.

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