Sorry if that is what is wrong with her. It is very common with hatchery chickens because they are bred to be super egg layers. You can try treating with antibiotics, but it may or may not help. If your local regular vet could prescribe some strong antibiotics such as Baytril, it might help. Procaine Penicillin G is available from most feed stores refrigerated, and you can get needles and syringes to give her shots. If you look up some of SpeckledHen's posts on BYC, she has had a great deal of experience with EYP.Thanks for replying. I think she may have egg periontitis. I found a thread :, that explained this. She gave her henDURAMYCIN-10 , an antibiotic. She also links a youtube video explaining this:. I will probably pick this up and try it because I have no other option. There are no avian vets in my area so I am on my own.