Please help emergency beak issue


In the Brooder
Aug 30, 2022
We don't have many veterinarians in our area. None near me that will see a chicken or handle avian/chickens. The closest veterinarian for avian medicine is over 3 hours away. Please see attached picture of my lovely Golden Penciled Hamburg hen. This morning when I went to the coop to freshen water & feed, I saw my favorite hen with what I thought was something stuck to her beak. (I don't have anyone here at the moment to help hold her for a picture, so I took the best closeup shot I could.) I was able to pick her up and take a closer look and it appears that her maxilla has split away and is exposing some kind of darker colored (blood barrier or something?) beak part underneath the split. Her maxilla was never too long or in need of a trim. I have no idea how this happened. She's eating and drinking, grabbing treats in her mouth, no problem. I feed organic Scratch & Peck feed, and supplement a little Rooster Booster every so often, some millet when it's cold temps, Vitamin B in the water about every 2 weeks or so and some dried herbs.

The temps have been mild, no ice. The entire flock gets along well, very little pecking going on. Does anyone have any idea what's happened to her beak? Is there anything that doesn't involve a great amount of pain to her that I can do to help her?


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We don't have many veterinarians in our area. None near me that will see a chicken or handle avian/chickens. The closest veterinarian for avian medicine is over 3 hours away. Please see attached picture of my lovely Golden Penciled Hamburg hen. This morning when I went to the coop to freshen water & feed, I saw my favorite hen with what I thought was something stuck to her beak. (I don't have anyone here at the moment to help hold her for a picture, so I took the best closeup shot I could.) I was able to pick her up and take a closer look and it appears that her maxilla has split away and is exposing some kind of darker colored (blood barrier or something?) beak part underneath the split. Her maxilla was never too long or in need of a trim. I have no idea how this happened. She's eating and drinking, grabbing treats in her mouth, no problem.

The temps have been mild, no ice. The entire flock gets along well, very little pecking going on. Does anyone have any idea what's happened to her beak? Is there anything that doesn't involve a great amount of pain to her that I can do to help her?
I am sure you have seen were, when chickens are going to fall off the roost that they hold on with their beaks. My guess is that she broke her beak doing this.
Poor girl!
When you get a chance to get some more pictures, please do so and tag me @GirlsHuntToo and I would be more than happy to take a look at it more closely.
Looks like it was the cover of the beak had broken off, which is a better scenario then a actual broken beak.
Does the part of the beak that broke away grow back? From investigating, it appears to be seperated all the way back to the cere/fleshy area just below the nostrils. Should I be treating the underneath of the upper beak with an antiseptic/anibiotic?
It also appears there may be a feather wedged in there, if that's the case I would gently remove that. It's very hard to tell in the picture if it's going to come off, or not. Sometimes you can stabilize a broken beak with a tea bag and some super glue, to allow it to grow out (use the gel type of glue, NOT the liquid, so it doesn't glue anything else! You don't want to glue her nares or tongue or anything.) As high as that appears to be on the beak, it might not be successfully reinforced and may be too risky (the glue), but I will add a link below with full instructions, if needed. As long as the quick isn't too damaged, then it should grow out, though they can be very slow. That she is eating and drinking is a good thing, so she's not likely in too much pain. I wouldn't mess with it too much, unless necessary. When beaks break they will harden up over a couple of days and then they don't bother them too much. Sometimes they have trouble picking things up off the ground, so raising dishes up off the ground can help. If you notice her having any trouble, then mixing the feed with some water to make a mash can help her pick up the food easier. You might want to weigh her now, and then regularly for a while, make sure she isn't losing weight, sometimes they can 'fake it' pretty convincingly, that way you know she's taking in enough. This can happen when they get caught in feeders, fencing wire (trying to get something on the other side), running into something in a panic, spats, etc. Most of the time they eventually grow back and they are fine.
Does the part of the beak that broke away grow back? From investigating, it appears to be seperated all the way back to the cere/fleshy area just below the nostrils. Should I be treating the underneath of the upper beak with an antiseptic/anibiotic?
Yes, it'll grow back. It's like a finger nail.

Plain Triple Antibiotic Ointment on the part underneath should be enough.

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