Please help I can't find any answers anywhere!!


Jul 3, 2024

Hello everyone I have this 14 to 17 week hen who has always been kind of lame per say. I noticed a few weeks ago that she lays down often and that her legs seemed a bit off. Since then her legs (more so her right one) have continued to swell. I had suspected scaly leg mites because we recently contracted those but her legs are different from the other which I'm positive have the mites. Her legs hard very hard bone like with no movement of the skin on the middle parts of her legs. The right legs has a large lump/growth that is black underneath with redness along the side while the left leg (also hard with no skin movement) has just redness along the side with these red dots that just appeared today from yesterday. Does anybody have any suggestions on what may be going on with her because I can't find anything that is remotely similar to her condition. Also I should note that she hasn't suffered any injuries, or splayed leg and it significantly smaller in size to the other three hens from her hatch. Tia.
Welcome to BYC. I am not a vet but I think that could be marble leg disease, also called osteopetrosis. It is thought to be a rare form of avian lymphoid leukosis virus. I haven’t seen the black area in pictures before, but it causes enlarged bones and is painful to walk. Leukosis causes tumors in the body, but this is a specific rare type, if that is what it is. You may not be able to get a diagnosis until after she dies, and you send her body to a state vet lab for a necropsy/autopsy. What state are you in? Is there a poultry school near you where some pictures may be emailed? Here are some threads with pictures of birds with the same condition, and there are articles I have linked in each of them:
Welcome to BYC. I am not a vet but I think that could be marble leg disease, also called osteopetrosis. It is thought to be a rare form of avian lymphoid leukosis virus. I haven’t seen the black area in pictures before, but it causes enlarged bones and is painful to walk. Leukosis causes tumors in the body, but this is a specific rare type, if that is what it is. You may not be able to get a diagnosis until after she dies, and you send her body to a state vet lab for a necropsy/autopsy. What state are you in? Is there a poultry school near you where some pictures may be emailed? Here are some threads with pictures of birds with the same condition, and there are articles I have linked in each of them:
Thank you! I know I can always count on you to help others! You’re awesome! 🤩
I'm located in central Massachusetts. I'm not sure if there is a poultry school nearby or not but it is something I will definitely look into as well as an aviarion vet. Thank you so much it's definitely a start. I just don't think this could solely be a result of mites you know.
14 to 17 week hen
Welcome To BYC

What's going on with her feathers? Was she washed or something?

I agree, I'd look into Marble Leg disease, very possible this may be what's going on. I don't recall reading anything you can do to treat the condition. Sadly, not many poultry diseases have many treatments, all you can do is manage symptoms and get some testing if you lose them to find out more.

At first glance, I thought the right leg may have suffered a fracture at some point since it looks so uneven, but likely it's already fused back together by now if that's the cause, so splinting/support may not make a difference. But with your other description(s), disease is more likely the culprit.

It's not that uncommon for birds to have a pinkish/red streak up the sides of the legs, this is usually due to hormones. Your pullet is starting to mature at 14-17 weeks.
Welcome To BYC

What's going on with her feathers? Was she washed or something?

I agree, I'd look into Marble Leg disease, very possible this may be what's going on. I don't recall reading anything you can do to treat the condition. Sadly, not many poultry diseases have many treatments, all you can do is manage symptoms and get some testing if you lose them to find out more.

At first glance, I thought the right leg may have suffered a fracture at some point since it looks so uneven, but likely it's already fused back together by now if that's the cause, so splinting/support may not make a difference. But with your other description(s), disease is more likely the culprit.

It's not that uncommon for birds to have a pinkish/red streak up the sides of the legs, this is usually due to hormones. Your pullet is starting to mature at 14-17 weeks.
She wasn't washed I have been soaking and cleaning her legs and feet thinking it was a bad case of leg mites.

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