Please help me sex my 4 chicks at 6 weeks


In the Brooder
May 14, 2023
This is my first set of chickens and I'm stressing over whether these are indeed pullets. First is Wyandotte. Second is EE act very aggressive. Third is olive
Egger( looks like pure CCLB to me) what do you think? Fourth is Black copper Maran (has thickest legs) they are all a few days over 6 weeks.







Your olive egger looks dark to be a cream legbar. Maybe a mix breed to get the olive eggs?

My black copper marans pullet also has thick legs, and is the largest of my chicks. Mine are a week younger than yours, I think. So far I have one definite cockerel (golden campine) in my brooder - even I can accurately sex a chick that starts crowing at 4 weeks!
Your olive egger looks dark to be a cream legbar. Maybe a mix breed to get the olive eggs?

My black copper marans pullet also has thick legs, and is the largest of my chicks. Mine are a week younger than yours, I think. So far I have one definite cockerel (golden campine) in my brooder - even I can accurately sex a chick that starts crowing at 4 weeks!
Thank you! Wow I didn't know chicks crow that early 😂. I think I could figure that out too.
I wonder about your EE, but I would call the rest of them pullets as of these photos.
Thank you! Is it just the color on the comb along with the comment of the aggressive behavior that makes you think the EE might be a cockerel or does it have other questionable traits?
To me, your Wyandotte has a lot of red and your EE does not. I would guess the Wyandotte may be a roo and the EE looks like a pullet. And I don’t know about behavior - my most aggressive and most precocious chicks are (presumed) pullets. My roo is pretty laid back although he does a lot of play fighting, often with my suspect roo (white crested black polish bonus chick). I have heard of crowing as early as 3 weeks - I think that was also a golden campine.

I have a buff minorca that kept me guessing until she finally started laying eggs. I had people definitively sex her as a cockerel and vice versa.
To me, your Wyandotte has a lot of red and your EE does not. I would guess the Wyandotte may be a roo and the EE looks like a pullet.
Wyandottes red up early, so that doesn't mean much when sexing them. They are notoriously difficult to sex until the combs start to pop out. I don't see anything about this GLW that indicates rooster yet. Easter eggers with pea combs red up late. The size of the comb on this EE is what has me not sure. It is much bigger than my EE pullets were at that age, but it is smaller than my EE cockerel was.
If you could get a better close up of the EE comb, that might help. EE Roos have 3 rows of bumps. I can't zoom in enough on the pics above to see.
I’d say your Wyandotte and Marans are possibly cockerels, and the other two are pullets. The Wyandotte because that comb and wattles are very red for six weeks, and something about the Marans says cockerel. Not very scientific, I know, but his eyes look like a boy 🤪

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