Please help me think.....I have an idea!! Photo heavy

This is EXACTLY what I was looking for!!!

THANK all of you for the excellent ideas, please keep them coming. This thread is actually getting my oldest, interested!!
Thank you!!
You can do it!! You can make it like Featherz only bigger/longer. If you put it on skids you can make it into a monster tractor!

As for warm for winter, as long as there aren't any drafts you don't have to worry about insulation. Ask Pat up in ALASKA, their coop doesn'ts have any. If you get lots of snow, you'll need to cover it with plastic or a tarp, just so they don't have to be "cooped-up the whole winter or just some straw bales to block the wind. I'm in zone 7 but we had a very unusually snowy winter. My girls will not step out of the house if they have to step in the snow. My run now has covered spots where they can get out.

Let your imagination run wild!!
I just WISH I had a set like that to turn into a coop/run!!!!!

AS far mild mannered, gentle, docile layers....Barred Rocks!!!! I have many different breeds (as you can see in my siggy) but my definate faves are Barred Rocks!! My buff orpington is mellow, mild mannered and curious, but she doesnt appreciate us trying to pet her. The barred rocks are curious, super gentle, docile, calm, mellow and dont mind us touching them, picking them up. They always come out the door to see me when I open it. But not in a freaking out, trying to run away because I reach for them way. And 7 of my 8 are boys!!! So sweet
Rhode Island Reds are really good layers.
Turkens easily tamed.

My Ameraucanas run when I come close.
My australorps are very stand offish.
My silkies are more skittish and afraid then the Barred Rocks.
My RIRs are curious from afar.
So far, my turkens and gold sex link are very calm and dont mind being picked up.

Good luck! Post pics of your progress!
I so wish I had a play set like yours to make into another coop!

Sorry, no grand ideas or suggestions, because I'd have to do some thinking on this too, but GO FOR IT!

My flock is comprised of several breeds, but I love my BR, my BA, my BO and my EE ...ummm....errr.....the most.....errrr......for eggs and affection both. The black sex-link is a great layer, but not very friendly AND she picks on anybody I add to the flock.
Mine's a wooden play structure turned coop. I made the upstairs into the coop + nestbox, run space below and more run to the side. I don't have any pictures up anywhere here, but you have the structure for a great coop. I was able to get Freecycled plywood and windows to turn it into a luxury coop. Good luck!
If you really need to save money, call around and see if you can find some palets for the wood. That would allow you to build the whole coop with only the cost of some hardware and hardware cloth for the windows. Do a search for pallet coops and you will get some ideas. Then you could spend all of your budget on fencing. Have fun!!!
Go for it. There are a lot of different ways you can get this to work. My two cents. Don't skimp on hardwire cloth. It is a must. Don't forget you'll need good ventalation even in the cold (I'm zone 4). Think ease of cleaning and egg collecting. It a great base. I would start collecting what you can. I had a friend that was replacing a wood fence and found some roadside treasures when I was building. Be creative. The chickens will want to be dry and safe. Everything else is just cake.

I have 5 layers and they quickly have become the favorite family pet. Even for my grumpy DH.

Good luck!
How wide is that ladder on the end by itself? you might be able to make that a door by cutting out some of the rungs. I'd leave a bottom rung and one or two on top. It could make for a nice people door into the run area. You'll also want to make the roof with an angle so that rain and snow fall off. Maybe just higher in the front and lower in the back. I would put sand in the sandbox, grit and easy to clean. Fence around the bottom of everything. Use tarp, bird netting or wire to cover the top--you'll need some shade in summer and a cover to keep out snow. Move the one beam (2x 4) that is over the kid door up so that it is touching the one that is already there. This should stabilize the top and give you room to get in there. Put plywood or siding or boards around the "fort" area to close it in--don't forget a window or two and a door for you. Build a little ramp from the "fort" to the ground and viola! one coop

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