Please help! My chickens have been getting worse by the hour


In the Brooder
Mar 8, 2021
My chickens have been not so good lately I'm going to try to take them to a vet soon. At first, my chickens for a while now only had little pieces of their feathers missing all over the bodies. But just around 4 days ago they suddenly got bald spots and every time I go in their its worse. I see a tiny bald spot under the wings and on the back (and now it's on the neck too). Their weird brown tuff skin thing on some parts of the bald spots I think its dried blood. There are also pink and light blue spots on some of one of my chicken's bald spots. Every day it gets worse. I'm really scared and I don't know what's happening I've been trying to get my family to take them to the vet or let me call a sanctuary for help but they're always busy. Does anyone know what's happening and how I can help them? Also, there is not a single feather in the coop so I think the chickens eat them. I've been also seeing more little scabs on the combs for about a month or 2 now when the feathers started looking weird. I think it might be mites, malnourishment, or cannibalism but I'm not sure they were fine just a few days ago. I can add pictures but I don't have a phone so my laptop camera might be blurry.
I have no roosters the chickens are about a year old I have 7 I can take pictures but they might be
How many chickens do you have? How old are they? Do you have roosters? If so, how many? Do you have any pictures? Those could help.
I have no roosters the chickens are about a year old I have 7 I can take pictures but they might be blurry
How are they housed? What are you feeding them that you’re worried about malnutrition? Do they free range? Why bar you thinking cannibalism? Have you seen them pecking at each other?

I've seen them eating others' feathers before. Since my mom buys the food I'm not sure what kind it is. They have a huge coop and I let them into the back yard a lot
I've seen them eating others' feathers before. Since my mom buys the food I'm not sure what kind it is. They have a huge coop and I let them into the back yard a lot
They need to be outside for several hours every day.

To distract them and keep them busy, you can feed them whole carrots and apples, but they seem to lack protein and other vital nutrients, such as germ oil, brewers yeast etc., so as first-aid a vitamin and mineral supplement for their drinking water seems necessary.
They have a huge coop the size of my room and then have a big outside part I ush let them out for 2 hours or more a day. Their coop isnt one of those tiny ones its one of those old big coop houses. I could fit 15 chickens or more in the space we have.

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