Announcement Please Help & Reply To Unanswered Threads

One thing I don't like is when people answer with blatant misinformation, refuse to learn the proper information, and then argue how it's 'always worked for them'. That doesn't help anything.
Like how to sex a chick. "You can hold it by the neck, and if it kicks it's a boy and if it doesn't it's a girl" is one I've ran into a lot. Another one of the same type is "Hold it by the legs and if it holds still it's a girl, and if it doesn't it's a boy" as well as 'the pendulum method' and looking at the shape of an egg to tell gender.

All of those are frequent examples I run into when discussing gender of birds.
Another thing I noticed is members creating multiple threads on the same subject, and I don't know about the rest of you, but I find this quite annoying.
I responded to three unanswered threads and it turned out they had already been answered because of this! I understand when its an emergency, but other than that, yeah, it's annoying.
Like how to sex a chick. "You can hold it by the neck, and if it kicks it's a boy and if it doesn't it's a girl" is one I've ran into a lot. Another one of the same type is "Hold it by the legs and if it holds still it's a girl, and if it doesn't it's a boy" as well as 'the pendulum method' and looking at the shape of an egg to tell gender.

All of those are frequent examples I run into when discussing gender of birds.
The wing feather sexing hurts my soul. I fell for it years ago and guess what, it's right 50% of the time. :p Except in those very few specifically bred for it.
Hopefully we can get a bunch of people here up to speed on answering questions.

I am always happy to see someone with experience on the new member introduction forum
Yes ~ & it's great if they pay attention to location~ :lol: The number of Aussies I've seen given advice on coons & bears!:lau

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