Announcement Please Help & Reply To Unanswered Threads

Saying something that isn't really helpful just to get it off the list isn't good. It makes the thread really disappear/have an even less chance of getting a helpful answer.
I am not saying something that really isn't helpful to get it off the list - I am trying to help them, and if I cannot - I leave it alone. I am spending a lot of time trying to get people to the right answers if I do not have it.
In the future, if you think a thread is not in the right place, just click the report button and mention where you think it should be moved in the report box and let a moderator move it...if it needs to be moved.
I didn't know about this feature but will do so next time. However, as you know, many times, a request falls into more than one category.
Not really a good idea, IMO.
Some of these people have not been answered for a few weeks. Is it so wrong to help them find another way to get answers? If you want, I will happily show you how many "other bird" coop discussions there are in that forum. Sometimes, I answer the questions by giving them the link to an old BYC post where the answer(s) to their question is being discussed. Is it better that no one answer them? If you think I should just message them in order for it to stay on the list - I would happily do this...because my intent is just to help. There is nothing worse than watching BYC for a year or whatever, then joining because you think it is so great, then not getting an answer at all.

In my defense, I tried to be helpful in addition to letting people feel like they had not been overlooked.
And I think you did the right thing, especially with these posts that are a few weeks old. There is nothing worse then posting thinking you will get an answer and not getting anything.
Some of these people have not been answered for a few weeks. Is it so wrong to help them find another way to get answers? If you want, I will happily show you how many "other bird" coop discussions there are in that forum. Sometimes, I answer the questions by giving them the link to an old BYC post where the answer(s) to their question is being discussed. Is it better that no one answer them? If you think I should just message them in order for it to stay on the list - I would happily do this...because my intent is just to help. There is nothing worse than watching BYC for a year or whatever, then joining because you think it is so great, then not getting an answer at all.

It's hard to give a definite rule or guideline, because the "best" choice depends on the thread, how old it is, and a variety of other factors.

For a post in the wrong place, it is definitely helpful to report it so a mod can move it to the correct place.

If the post is less than about a week old, and you do not know the answer, I would suggest not answering, so it stays on the unanswered list, and hopefully someone who does know the answer will chime in to help.

Pointing to an older post that has the answer, or linking to a page or site that has the answer, is sometimes helpful. But that depends on how relevant that source really is. Sometimes it can look similar but not actually be the right answer. (For example, someone recently had a question about breeding for specific egg colors/traits, and you recommended they try the chicken genetics calculator. But that calculator did not have anything about egg color traits, just feather colors & patterns. So not actually useful.)

The older the post is, the more value there is in giving a sort-of answer instead of none at all. Sometimes that brings it to the attention of someone that is noticing new posts but not looking at the unanswered list. And you are right that it lets the person know that their post is being seen instead of ignored (but giving a thumbs-up reaction also lets them know the post has been read, without removing it from the list.)
It's hard to give a definite rule or guideline, because the "best" choice depends on the thread, how old it is, and a variety of other factors.

For a post in the wrong place, it is definitely helpful to report it so a mod can move it to the correct place.

If the post is less than about a week old, and you do not know the answer, I would suggest not answering, so it stays on the unanswered list, and hopefully someone who does know the answer will chime in to help.

Pointing to an older post that has the answer, or linking to a page or site that has the answer, is sometimes helpful. But that depends on how relevant that source really is. Sometimes it can look similar but not actually be the right answer. (For example, someone recently had a question about breeding for specific egg colors/traits, and you recommended they try the chicken genetics calculator. But that calculator did not have anything about egg color traits, just feather colors & patterns. So not actually useful.)

The older the post is, the more value there is in giving a sort-of answer instead of none at all. Sometimes that brings it to the attention of someone that is noticing new posts but not looking at the unanswered list. And you are right that hour it lets the person know that their post is being seen instead of ignored (but giving a thumbs-up reaction also lets them know the post has been read, without removing it from the list.)
Thank you for being helpful without assuming my intent. When I do point to something older on BYC, I make sure and tell the person it is older and this is what I found. I also read through it. Today there was a donation tax question on the new members forum. I pointed to an older post on BYC but that was after talking with my tax accountant. But the gentleman from the older post just explained it well and I didn’t want to take credit for his words. As you know, with most posts here are differing answers

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