please help. Very worried about Flo.


6 Years
Jan 29, 2018
Baltimore, MD
I am answering the questions that are on the "please read first" post.
1. Easter Egger, approx 4 lbs (maybe a little less), 7.5 mos old.
2. She passed what appeared to be a collapsed egg 4 days ago we saw a lot of egg leak out of the vent. She seemed to be acting normally for a day or two although not laying (she typically lays every day). Starting today she is very inactive and staying by herself. She does not appear to be eating or drinking. I have not seen her poop either.
3. approx 4 days ago she passed what appeared to be a collapsed egg.
4. No other birds are showing any sypmtoms
5. There is no sign of trauma
6. Began with a collapsed egg.
7. I have not seen her eating or drinking in the last day.
8. Have not seen her poop lately.
9. Beginning today we gave her 600 mg. calcium citrate w/ vitamin d, a dose of amox. that we had left over from a previous chicken, and syringed water w/ electrolyte and sugar. Thanksgiving is tomorrow so there aren't any good vet options.
10. She is in the coop roosting now with the other birds but we are considering bringing in the house so we can monitor her more closely.

Please adivse. Should we do anything else at this point.
Thank you for your help
Does she have any further signs of being egg bound? Is she being listless, what's the color of her comb, are her eyes bright? Does she have any mites/lice?
I am answering the questions that are on the "please read first" post.
1. Easter Egger, approx 4 lbs (maybe a little less), 7.5 mos old.
2. She passed what appeared to be a collapsed egg 4 days ago we saw a lot of egg leak out of the vent. She seemed to be acting normally for a day or two although not laying (she typically lays every day). Starting today she is very inactive and staying by herself. She does not appear to be eating or drinking. I have not seen her poop either.
3. approx 4 days ago she passed what appeared to be a collapsed egg.
4. No other birds are showing any sypmtoms
5. There is no sign of trauma
6. Began with a collapsed egg.
7. I have not seen her eating or drinking in the last day.
8. Have not seen her poop lately.
9. Beginning today we gave her 600 mg. calcium citrate w/ vitamin d, a dose of amox. that we had left over from a previous chicken, and syringed water w/ electrolyte and sugar. Thanksgiving is tomorrow so there aren't any good vet options.
10. She is in the coop roosting now with the other birds but we are considering bringing in the house so we can monitor her more closely.

Please adivse. Should we do anything else at this point.
Thank you for your help
Same hen as your other thread?
Yes, same hen. I just thought I'd post here as well to get more advice.

Not sure what all the signs of being egg bound are. Her comb is a red healthy color. Her eyes are bright, she is not as active as she normally is. but I'm not sure I would call her listless. She walks around a little and is standing. She got up onto her roost tonight. No sign of lice or mites. Her tail does seem to be pointing down and we noticed a little wet/clear discharge from her vent this evening.

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