PLEASE HELP: What killed almost my whole flock? 17 dead.. :( (WARNING: GRAPHIC)


In the Brooder
May 30, 2023
This morning I went out to let my ladies out of their coop and found almost my entire flock dead. I had 10 Speckled Sussex hens that were 12 weeks old, 5 White Leghorns that were about 6 weeks old, 2 Bantams that were 9 weeks old, 4 Buff Orpingtons at 9 weeks old. The only survivors are 3 white leghorns and 1 Sussex - they were hiding in a bush.

The coop they were staying in is pretty well secured with no openings anywhere on the roof, sides or underneath. There is 1/2 hardware cloth everywhere. Whatever got into it seemed to open the door on the side of the coop after climbing several feet and opening a Barrel Slider Lock. The lock is hard enough for us to open since the coop is weathered and the lock kinda jams.

We have seen raccoons and possums, but i haven't seen any coyotes or foxes lately. Whatever killed them was able to climb the roof, hang down and open the tight lock, get inside and kill a bunch of them. There were several of them just dead inside the coop with wounds to their necks and bodies left intact. And a lot of them were eaten up almost entirely with only the heard, head and some feathers remaining. There were "kill zones" spread out over about a 50 foot radius with a dead chicken mauled entirely. I am thinking it was a pack of animals and not just 1 - total of 17 dead. I cant find the bodies of at least 4-5 of them but found most of what's left of the others. They were torn apart pretty savagely. I cant imagine that a pack of raccoons did this, but what else can open a barrel slider lock that's pretty tight? This is our first loss ever and its a major one :(. I will be getting a camera today to put in the area and keep an eye out.

What did this?
Will it come back again most likely to finish off the rest?
How do i kill/trap the predator in this instance?


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The only predators that I know of that can open locks are raccoons and humans. It would be really horrific for a human to do something like that so I would say raccoons. So sorry for your loss!! 💔 Raccoons can be really gruesome and kill entire flocks for fun. I had a neighbor who lost 50 chickens in 2 nights to raccoons.
Oh my. This is probably so heartbreaking for you I am terribly sorry.

I would wager it was a raccoon. Not only are they able to operate mechanical locks, they kill for sport.

It is likely they had been working on getting in for quite awhile - like days or weeks. When re-securing, consider devices that need to work in tandem. Two spring loaded locks.
Oh my. This is probably so heartbreaking for you I am terribly sorry.

I would wager it was a raccoon. Not only are they able to operate mechanical locks, they kill for sport.

It is likely they had been working on getting in for quite awhile - like days or weeks. When re-securing, consider devices that need to work in tandem. Two spring loaded locks.
You have no idea :(. I never thought i would cry over chickens :(

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