Please help! Wing ripped off by raccoon!


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 30, 2009
Central California
Came home to find my RIR Yukari, with her wing ripped off, so far we cleaned the wound with saline water, and then with betadine, and finished with wrapping the wound with gauze. She seems alright, she's laying down and doesn't seem to be in too much shock. I also have her housed in the garage tonight to prevent any further attacks. Is there anything else I should do? Anymore steps to take tomorrow? This is my first chicken emergency, so I'm a bit unprepared. Thank you for any help.
Hopefully she will eat and drink come morning. If she does she will probably make it. Antibiotic cream is good. Just don't use anything with the word "caine" in it. Its toxic to birds. How bad is the break?For tonight I would just make sure she is good and quiet in case she has shock. Your local feed store will have electrolytes that you can mix in her water. I would get that in the morning. If you can keep the infection out she has a chance. Her balance will be off.
tetracycline is insufficient for this type of injury. If you can get to a vet for the antibiotic do so (he may give baytril or other injection)
Thank you all so much for the information, it is greatly appreciated. If she makes it through the night I will be visiting the vet to get the antibiotics needed.

Her break is really bad, her entire left wing is gone. I feel absolutely awful, she and her sister Tomo, are my first chickens. They're almost 4 months old, and I feel so guilty. We're planning our coop right now, and they're free range during the day and we thought we had them secured enough at night on our deck but it seems my boyfriend and I were wrong in our thinking. It appears the enclosure was not raccoon proof. I hope she will be alright. I will update in the morning.
Raccoons are nasty little buggers. I'm sorry that you're girl was injured. I'll be checking in for an update.

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