Please help!

Try some scrambled eggs, some kitten chow (the soft stuff), sardines, tuna, or just some scratch or mealworms. Keep going with the supplemented water (sugar, probiotics, Rooster Booster, whatever she will drink). I hope she starts perking up!
I tried scrambled eggs and she won't eat them. I'm going to dig up some worms tomorrow to see if she will be tempted by those :)
I will get a picture tomorrow, one eye maybe opened a tiny bit more. no other wounds that I know of. about tube feeding, I'm only 15 and I don't know if my dad would help me with that (he is not a big bird fan!) I'm hoping she will gain her appetite back soon!
I know tube feeding sounds intimidating, I’ve never done it myself, either. But I will tell you, as I’m sure @Eggcessive will, some young ladies on this site about your age had to tube feed almost their whole flock last year and with guidance from Eggcessive (and other educators I think), they were able to do it with no experience. If you choose to try, come here and let us know. Has she been drinking? Have you tried a warm, wet compress on her eyes to try to get them to open?
Maybe try honey in a dropper or non needle feeding syringe. Birds respond really well to sulfur for stress situations, and honey contains high levels plus the sugar. Honey is also good for her wounds.
Also not sure if anyone suggested this yet,but we've 'swaddled' our hens in a towel and had a good snuggle in a chair by the fire before, blowing lovingly and warmly on there heads, might be hard with her wounds though. Sometimes just knowing someone's got you and your warm and cared for goes a long way for animals.

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