Please Pray For My Little Brother!

He's still not responding to us...

I finally got the full story of what exactly happened, and thought I'd share it with you guys.

He was rocking in one of the recliners while watching a movie. (Take note that he was FULLY AWAKE! at the moment!) He fell out of the chair and hit his forehead, without using his arms to catch himself. His head took the brunt of the fall. He screamed and cried for a few moments, rubbing his head, but after those few moments, he just kept rubbing his head in the exact same pattern over and over again, while staring strait ahead. His pupils are almost as big as his eyes and he is just mumbling and muttering, too.  
prayers sent
With a serious head injury, health insurance is not an issue. A hospital/emergency care can not be denied. Yes, I know, a bill... BUT, better a bill than continued damage that may occur with out seeking medical attention.

DO NOT LET HIM SLEEP. I don't care how tired he is, he can not go to sleep for a time. Sounds quite like a serious concussion.

I hope and pray your bro is ok though, Hannah. Terribly scary time I bet for you all, and especially him. Best thing for you all to do, is stay calm with him until your parents get him to the hospital. Thats the important thing, that he gets to the hospital.
Yeah, we are keeping him awake and going to get him to the doctor. Thank you for your prayers; I really appreciate it. These condolences are being passed on to my mother.
You should take him to the ER it suds like brain swelling, and he will need to see chiropractor for his most likely jammed neck. He will be okay Hannah, hang in there, but get him cared for right away. I once lost 3 days of memory, and I still don't have all of it back.. but he will have symptoms for months. mostly problems in concentration. Many Prayers!
You should take him to the ER it suds like brain swelling, and he will need to see chiropractor for his most likely jammed neck. He will be okay Hannah, hang in there, but get him cared for right away. I once lost 3 days of memory, and I still don't have all of it back.. but he will have symptoms for months. mostly problems in concentration. Many Prayers!
Thanks, Chic. It was truly good just hearing that, the encouraging comments. We are taking care of him; he already seems to be responding, though I don't know for sure.
I am so very happy to say that we took him to the doctor and they said he will be fine! The full story is this: Sam stayed up all night playing a video game (Halo Reach, which mom did not want him playing or seeing) and as a result, he got very sleepy when he got home. He was sitting in the recliner and he leaned forward as he began to nod off. He face planted in the tile, but never fully woke up from that, so while he's sitting there rubbing his head, he's basically still half-asleep. Which explains why he looked like he was "sleepwalking". The temper tantrums were easy to understand: he is a little kid who hasn't had any sleep! The rest of it, his muttering and asking us who we were, he was dreaming. Sam himself told us that he dreamed he was in a schoolhouse and couldn't find his mom or dad.

So there you have it! A happy ending with a satisfying update! The doctor says he'll be fine, that he'll just have a big ole' bruise on his noggin for a while, and that he should be back to 100% normal soon! Thank you all for your prayers! They surely helped!
I am so very happy to say that we took him to the doctor and they said he will be fine! The full story is this: Sam stayed up all night playing a video game (Halo Reach, which mom did not want him playing or seeing) and as a result, he got very sleepy when he got home. He was sitting in the recliner and he leaned forward as he began to nod off. He face planted in the tile, but never fully woke up from that, so while he's sitting there rubbing his head, he's basically still half-asleep. Which explains why he looked like he was "sleepwalking". The temper tantrums were easy to understand: he is a little kid who hasn't had any sleep! The rest of it, his muttering and asking us who we were, he was dreaming. Sam himself told us that he dreamed he was in a schoolhouse and couldn't find his mom or dad.

So there you have it! A happy ending with a satisfying update! The doctor says he'll be fine, that he'll just have a big ole' bruise on his noggin for a while, and that he should be back to 100% normal soon! Thank you all for your prayers! They surely helped!  

Yay I'm glad he's better
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