Please tell me this isn't serious.

I have been reading this hoping you would come back and say it's alright now...still no luck? If it's bread, it could take a while, hopefully she will get thirsty again and get another does sound like she is choking a bit....keep us posted, sorry I don't have any more advice!
try posting this under the emergencies group, maybe someone else has experienced the same thing. If she is breathing and drinking, wait it out, sorry I am not much help here!
Update - she's walking fine, not panting, and her tail isn't drooping. That said, now all the other chickens are picking on her.
Her face looks kinda pale, and it appears that the constant pecking has actually detached her comb towards the back. Will they stop, or should I isolate her for a few days?
Since it sounds like she is low in the pecking order, she may not have been getting enough feed and therefore bit off too much bread and got chocked. If she seems to be doing ok now, I would leave her in there. If she was getting picked on before and you remove her, it WILL be worse when you put her back with them.
Previously, the other chickens haven't bothered her - she was usually the one picking on another. We isolated her for a few hours by blocking off a portion of the coop, and now she's back in with the others. They haven't been pecking her, so I think we're good. She's laying down more than normal, but I think that's justified, considering that she was force-fed olive oil yesterday and was attacked by other hens this morning.

Not the happiest hen in the world, but she's doing better.

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