Plymouth Rock thread!

So on average, what age to BR pullets start laying? Mine are 13 weeks and started clucking a week are so ago (such a neat sound when you are so used to peeping!)
So no guesses on my what gender my chickens are? I would like to say sorry for posting so many pictures, I now some people have dial up and that might have made their computer really lag. I did size them down, but 13 pics are still a lot.

On the SPPR should they have any brown on them at 5 weeks? Some do, some don't and I am not sure what that means.

PS I am so ready for the weekend.
So no guesses on my what gender my chickens are? I would like to say sorry for posting so many pictures, I now some people have dial up and that might have made their computer really lag. I did size them down, but 13 pics are still a lot.

On the SPPR should they have any brown on them at 5 weeks? Some do, some don't and I am not sure what that means.

PS I am so ready for the weekend.

Well the first 4 are most definitely male, the rest look to be female colored so far, a couple have fairly lager combs than some of the others but the patrridge pattern screams female to me and to the combs are all still more orange than pink/red YET? Hope that is what you got surely 4 boys is enough to pick a breeder roo from and with the rest (if?) all are females you should have o'plenty to choose from them also, good luck. I like the colors on the SPPRs

Thanks Jeff, much appreciated. I was thinking the same
, but that would be awesome luck and after last year (9 Roos 5 Hens) I did not want to get my hopes up.
Since we're talking about laying eggs. I've bought 2 Barred Rock hens a week ago, they are around 9 months old. One of them gives me an egg almost everyday since I got her, but the second one (which is considerably smaller then the first) has not laid an egg yet. The lady we bought the chickens from had so many she didn't know who was laying. I'm thinking maybe it's the stress from the move...but would it be possible that the second hen hasn't started laying yet? Do some hens not lay eggs at all? I've heard her do a little egg song, got all excited...just to realize it was false hope. Could it be that she's pumping herself up to start laying? Or a cheerleader for her sister, lol?
Wow that's quite a range! I got mine from a breeder. Thanks every body for the feedback. I'll start looking for eggs around the end of June!

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