PNW Chicken Tender


In the Brooder
Feb 21, 2025
Hi everyone! I started my chicken journey last spring, when I bought 4 RIR pullets. They were almost old enough to lay, so I completely skipped the baby stage. In the summer we got 4 younger (but still old enough to live outside) chicks, they were supposedly White Leghorns but I think they're mixed with something else. We ended up with 3 hens and a roo in that batch, so we had a perfect little flock. I also have ducks and geese. We sadly lost a hen and our sweet roo, so we ordered an incubator and loaded it with eggs. As of right now 22 out of 26 are hatched and happy! I've come here many times for advice and finally decided to make an account so I can interact. :)

Since you're here and reading this, is it normal for the babies to look nothing like the parents? lol

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