Poland not eating lethergic constantly sleeping

yeah it seems to be about the same.

I just checked under her wing and it isnt all that warm to be honest its been hotter on my other chickens!
shes just nodding off staying in the exact same position i put her in in front of food and water and just feeling sorry for herself in general.

She hasnt got any mites i constantly check for those being a polish and no discharges that i can see
The only other thing I can think of to perhaps help you is to suggest you use the search button and type in lethargic hen and see what pops up. Best wishes to you and your Polish hen. I'll check back with you after church.
food should be fine may have been a bit damp but my other 4 chickens have been eating the same and they are all 100% and running around in the spring sunshine!!
things are still not looking good she seems to be blocked up little when she is breathing? kinda like a cold but we cant see anything getting in the way. she is still very lethargic and not eating.
Somebody please help she is not able to stand up now and is constantly falling asleep. she still wont eat and after 'forcefeeding' her yohgurt she was sick. shes now breathing quite fast and seems hot? shes got her beak open when awake?????
we do not have a local avian vet so its just us!
when she is standing she is holding her tail feathers very low along with her head but her feathers at about her butt are arched kinda like a hunchback? there is no blood anywhere. im just wondering if her sleeping is to do with having not eaten since friday???

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