Polish chicken getting pecked, don't know what to do


Aug 21, 2020
Hi everyone!

We have a backyard flock of five, living in a coop and our Polish is getting bullied but we don't know whois the culprit or if there is more than one. We have the Polish, an EE, a Frizzle, a Barred Plymouth Rock and a Mystery Hen (maybe a New Hampshire Red? or just some other brown chicken?). Anyway, they are all about 5.5/6 months old now. The get to free range for a little while usually once a day but we have predators in the neighborhood so we don't like to leave the free ranging unattended.

The Polish for a while now has been getting her crest feathers plucked out by one or more of the other hens, and we keep trying to put Blue Kote, Hen Healer, and Pick No More on daily, sometimes twice daily, but nothing is halting the pecking. I feel so bad for her!

What do we do!?
:welcome Sadly, you may have to separate or rehome her. Polish in mixed flocks frequently have their crests pecked out. Do an on site search on Pin Less Peepers and see if you thing these would work for you. Good luck.

Thank you. I'd hate to have to rehome her- we will try the pinless peepers first, thanks!

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