polish/silkie cross

I have a polish silkies cross. Just got IT ?? As a rescue. How do u tell if its a hen or too?? Lol it has a small dark gray comb??
I just sat about 6 polish silkie cross eggs, a breeder included them a variety of eggs I bought.. Also have plenty of SQ/BQ Silkie eggs set and have Polish (tolbunt) on the way. I had no intentions on crossing what I hatch out, but now I am really starting to consider it.. The babies I am hatching out to be future breeders to supply the local 4H and FFA groups with some quality birds, so guess a few crosses may be in my future...lol...
Here's a silkie polish cross I hatched out from a friend's eggs.  She was about 14 weeks here


Hi I know this was years ago but I just got a chicken which looks exactly like this and the people who sold me her knew nothing about her. If you see this comment could you tell me anything about the one you had. Thank you very much
Hi I know this was years ago but I just got a chicken which looks exactly like this and the people who sold me her knew nothing about her. If you see this comment could you tell me anything about the one you had. Thank you very much

Does she have the 5 toes??

Here are my breeding pair of Gold Laced Frizzle Polish x Buff Silkie. Both of them are bearded and she going broody in a few days.
Well, it's my first time crossing these guys in 2016. Will cross their offspring to my other genetics of frizzle cochin x porcelain d'uccle.
In 2017, I will have some of 1/4 D'uccle, 1/4 of frizzle Cochin, 1/4 Silkie, 1/4 frizzle Polish. Will not breed a frizzle to a frizzle.
I just got to trim my gold laced rooster top hat because he couldn't eat or mate with his feather covering his eyes.
A year ago we got some hatching eggs that were supposed to be silkies and polish from a local person. I don't think she kept them very well separated because they mostly look like silkie/polish crosses. The funny thing is that out of the subsequent three generations, the boys are the only ones with crests and the girls just look like boring white hens. I have one girl with a crest. The original batch of eggs only had one crested hen as well. Any one want to try and explain the possible genetics going on here? The boys that hatch greatly outnumber the girls, only about 25% are girls. So maybe it's just that I have a very small group of girls to begin with?

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