polish/silkie cross

Ohhhh... hmm, this is making me think of keeping the paint roo

I know you already told me (or maybe it was a polish), is your paint roo "reasonably" quiet? I know it's all individual.. but im hoping for some hope 🤣
Eko is such a good boy! He crows a half dozen times at first light and then does not crow much the rest of the day and he sleeps ALL NIGHT.🥰
But, as you know this is VERY individual.
Eko is such a good boy! He crows a half dozen times at first light and then does not crow much the rest of the day and he sleeps ALL NIGHT.🥰
But, as you know this is VERY individual.
Well some plusses are the yard is very dark, no street light pollution. Also, w the new coop, im thinking of adding an automatic door. My girls already are lazy and wake up late 😴 so if its crowing after 7-730, it really should be fine. If it's crowing inside the coop, the sound really won't travel far. (I'm the grumpy neighbor).
My first time hatching. I let the crew do their thing and now have tolbunt polish and white silkie X. Im so excited to see how they turn out. Have had one hatch a day for the last three days.


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