Possible coccidia?


Apr 22, 2024

I have a 6 week old chick all of a sudden it's lethargic a bit however it was eating and drinking like a monster that was yesterday, today it got worse not eating much (picky but it ate a bit) and It's very weak, I noticed reddish stuff in the poop (pics below) no respiratory symptoms (no watery eyes no gasping) and actually no symptoms at all other than weakness and low appetite this chick is trying to survive I can feel it and I'm thinking it's coccidia and I'm about to start giving it Amprolium

But first I'm here asking what do you all think? Thanks in advance

Note: I know pics show eyes closed but just happens that it blinked while I was taking the picture chick eyes are totally normal


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I agree, I would start treating ASAP, and I would treat all of them that are kept together. In addition to the medicated water, I would give this chick an oral dose daily for up to 3 days, to help get the meds in, they don't always drink well when they are sick. Dosing for that is here:
To make sure you have correct dosing of the medicated water, if you are using Corid, the powder dose is 1.5 tsp per gallon of water, the liquid dose is 2 tsp per gallon of water. For 5 -7 days.
If you have another brand of amprolium, dosing info is here:
Amprolium, is very, very safe, when in doubt, treat.
I agree, I would start treating ASAP, and I would treat all of them that are kept together. In addition to the medicated water, I would give this chick an oral dose daily for up to 3 days, to help get the meds in, they don't always drink well when they are sick. Dosing for that is here:
To make sure you have correct dosing of the medicated water, if you are using Corid, the powder dose is 1.5 tsp per gallon of water, the liquid dose is 2 tsp per gallon of water. For 5 -7 days.
If you have another brand of amprolium, dosing info is here:
Amprolium, is very, very safe, when in doubt, treat.
Thank you for your response, this is the medicine I managed to get my hands on (don't have options really) it has amprolium and some other stuff which I don't know if safe please let me know what you think


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Where are you located, generally, in the world?
If that is all you can get, then dosing for treatment is to mix 100 g into 200 L of water (the whole package). So for 2 L of water you would use 1 g of the medication. And treat for 3 days, stop for two days, treat for 3 days again, stop for two days, and if needed treat a third time for 3 days. On the two days off, provide un-medicated water. First ingredient listed is amprolium, second ingredient is a sulfa antibiotic sometimes used for coccidiosis, the third ingredient is a form of vitamin K, next is vitamin A, and I assume the last is inactive ingredients for volume.
If it's all you can get, then I would use it, not treating will likely result in death of the bird. Make sure the chick drinks it, if it doesn't get in the bird it can't work.
Where are you located, generally, in the world?
If that is all you can get, then dosing for treatment is to mix 100 g into 200 L of water (the whole package). So for 2 L of water you would use 1 g of the medication. And treat for 3 days, stop for two days, treat for 3 days again, stop for two days, and if needed treat a third time for 3 days. On the two days off, provide un-medicated water. First ingredient listed is amprolium, second ingredient is a sulfa antibiotic sometimes used for coccidiosis, the third ingredient is a form of vitamin K, next is vitamin A, and I assume the last is inactive ingredients for volume.
If it's all you can get, then I would use it, not treating will likely result in death of the bird. Make sure the chick drinks it, if it doesn't get in the bird it can't work.
Already started medication for the sick chick yesterday I see no improvement but also not getting worse, chick ate a decent amount of boiled egg too also drinking, I made sure to orally dose him just to make sure
I'm not sure If I wanna start medication for my other 25 chicks they seem fine and I don't know if this medicine would hurt them
The sulfa is harder on their systems than just amprolium. You can just watch them closely for any signs of symptoms, and treat then if you start to see any.
Update: today is the third day on medication for the lil chick, I saw slight improvement yesterday it's eating/drinking on its own but I see no further improvement
I let it loose a bit to free range and it walks around digging and eating stuff, looks tired and fighting, I'm supposed to stop medication tomorrow for 2 days so not sure how that'll go
Fingers crossed. Hopefully she'll continue to improve. If you see a definite slide to worse, I might consider restarting the meds. I've never used the particular medication you have, so have no personal experience with it. But have used the medications separately, and both are commonly used for coccidiosis. Otherwise, it's usually best to follow the instructions for poultry.
Fingers crossed. Hopefully she'll continue to improve. If you see a definite slide to worse, I might consider restarting the meds. I've never used the particular medication you have, so have no personal experience with it. But have used the medications separately, and both are commonly used for coccidiosis. Otherwise, it's usually best to follow the instructions for poultry.
Thank you, do you think providing sugar or honey water during the 2 days off meds is a bad idea? Not sure if it would interfere with meds or not

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