I have flock of 6 pekin/muscovy ducks, 5 of them have no issues whatsoever, they are 6 months old. I had brought her in a couple weeks ago as she walked into a wall and wasn't hanging out with the other guys. I cleaned her up let her have two nights inside and when I put her back out she seemed to be able to rejoin and keep up. Last night when I was putting them to bed I noticed the other 5 had already got themselves tucked in and she was still outside. She was walking in a tight circle and he head keeps drifting to the left and then she moves it back to center. It reminds me of a typewriter. I cleaned her up again and he ate and drank plenty. Shes responsive to me and fights when I pick her up as normal but shes still either not moving or walking in a circle and her head is still drifting to the left.