Possible Roosters, Pros and Cons of These Breeds?

The best meat and egg chickens I ever had were Sasso chickens. Huge excellent carcasses and lots of big brown eggs, great temperament. Excellent in every way. I am nit sure if they are available in the US, though.

I have never heard of that breed.

If I was going to raise a dual purpose flock in the US I would get Rhode Island Reds. They produce lots if good eggs, have a nice big carcass with lots of meat and are well-behaved.

No red chickens. :)

There are enough chickens that I find appealing that I'm sure I can find birds that both meet my goals and enjoy looking at them.

I wouldn't concebtrate in fast growth too much -- I raised a few batches of Cornish Cross broikers and they are lazy and don't hold up well. They just sit around and eat and get fat and have to be slaughtered after 2 or 3 months. They're couch potatoes. The slower growing free range meat birds are better chickens. You aleo don't have to oroxess them all at once -- Feed them less and make them find some of their own living in your field or garden and just process a few at a time. A Sasso, for example, will get better and better for at least a year and a half, getting bigger and meatier the whole time.

I'll be getting Cornish X for meat birds.

I want rapid growth/rapid maturity (or, at least, not slow growth/slow maturity), because I'm hoping to sell started pullets and eggs in order to offset my costs and don't want to have to wait the extra couple months to be sure that they *are* pullets and to start getting eggs.

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