Possible to introduce new chicks to existing flock?

I allow my hens to free range all day... Recently I hatched two separate batches of chicks and when they turned 4 weeks old, I threw them into the backyard to fend for themselves. Plenty of hiding spaces, separate food and water areas... There is some chasing and a little pecking but after a few days, everyone gets along just fine. I actually would have put them out sooner than 4 weeks but it has been cold and rainy.

So, as long as there are plenty of hiding places, and you are putting out a few chicks together to fend for themselves, there shouldn't be any problems. Each batch of chicks keeps to themselves and stays out of the way of the old ladies...
We can't free range ours in the yard all day every day because we have a cat that's been caught in the yard several times and he wants chicken for dinner! We also have two dogs and one also wants chicken for dinner so I have to stand guard out there every time the dog goes out to go potty...but I'm afraid the kids might let the dog out and then we'd have trouble. So I keep them in the coop/run til the weekend or when I'm home to monitor them and the dogs.

What do you think about bantam chicks in a confined coop/run situation with big birds? Worse or the same as regular sized chicks?
I had a Barred Rock Pullet. She was very very social and easy going. I am getting a White Rock next week. I am excited to see the personality and temperment similarites and differences. Spring = New Chicks! I love Spring!
Thanks! We ended up getting two barred rocks and two americaunas. Hubby went because the store was closing at 6pm and I work til 6pm. There was one more barred rock there. I just called...and it sold this weekend. Bummer!
Sorry that sent before I was ready lol, I have 3 golden comets and 2 Rhode Island Reds, started small last year,had 9 lost
One to a predator and had two roosters, who were very mean so gave them to a local farmer,this year we have 6 BR and 4 Araucanas, I need to know how to introduce them with as little stress as possible, one of my RR picks on a GC and jumps on her and plucks her head feathers out, what is up with that? I am thinking of bringing her to the same farmer, he is great and will take anything I can't handle as long as they are not sick, which mine are not, any help would be appreciated. Thanks
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Great idea having a space the smaller chicks can get to. How old were they when you allowed them out into the coop with the opening to retreat into their own run? I have 5 that are about 5 weeks old and they have been in their own run within the larger coop, so all 12 hens and 1 room can see them. There are also two 6 week old chicks that hatched in the coop. They stay with Mama hen in large coop, and just started going out to free range with her in the afternoon. I'd like to start introducing them, and think that your idea of leaving a space in and out for the little ones sounds good. Do you have any other recommendations?
I have a pretty good sized coop with a large run, which opens to up free range when I deem it safe.  When I put youngsters in the coop, I have an area under the community laying box that only the small ones can run under.  I have the food and water next to the box.  They learn pretty quickly to run under their safe haven spot.  When the herd goes out into the main run, or to free range, the smaller ones come out and eat and drink and get the feel for the coop.  When they get scared, they run under cover.  Within a few days, they are running out with the flock, but can still get under cover for another month or so if need be.  Ive not had a problem with this system, they all end up getting along. 

That being said, I have mostly rocks and marans, which are pretty mellow girls.

Great idea having a space the smaller chicks can get to. How old were they when you allowed them out into the coop with the opening to retreat into their own run? I have 5 that are about 5 weeks old and they have been in their own run within the larger coop, so all 12 hens and 1 roo can see them. There are also two 6 week old chicks that hatched in the coop. They stay with Mama hen in large coop, and just started going out to free range with her in the afternoon. I'd like to start introducing them, and think that your idea of leaving a space in and out for the little ones sounds good. Do you have any other recommendations?
Apparently the more different the new bird looks, the harder it is to integrate them. We got a little golden silkie at one point and she was very hard to integrate with the rest of our flock which are a mix of different full-size breeds, even though we have one white silkie who does fine with them. We thought it would be nice for our white silkie to have a little friend, but she was meaner to the little golden than all the rest were!: ( They didn't pull her feahters, but they all would chase her away from the feeder and we had to make a real effort to pick her up and hand feed her a good handful of food every day just to make sure she'd eaten, which made her a very sweet cuddly girl who liked to be held. She eventually got sick and died, which I suspect was from eating something from the garden that may have been poisonous. We think she may have foraged more broadly than the others since she couldn't get as much food. So sad.: (
We can't free range ours in the yard all day every day because we have a cat that's been caught in the yard several times and he wants chicken for dinner!  We also have two dogs and one also wants chicken for dinner so I have to stand guard out there every time the dog goes out to go potty...but I'm afraid the kids might let the dog out and then we'd have trouble.   So I keep them in the coop/run til the weekend or when I'm home to monitor them and the dogs. 

What do you think about bantam chicks in a confined coop/run situation with big birds?  Worse or the same as regular sized chicks?

I've read that with bantam's (as they are a smaller breed) they will get picked on. I have 2 existing Isa Browns and wanted 2 more and REALLY wanted 2 Bantam's but after I did some research decided not to - I got 2 white Leghorns instead at 16 weeks (but I think 1 is only 12 weeks). They are getting picked on all the time and I've had to seperate permanently for the time being until they grow a bit more.

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