I only have one chick who had pasty butt. I cleaned her up, got her mostly dry and put her back in the brooder. Her crop looked a little unusual but it seemed fine and now it’s back to normal. She’s still active but now stands with her eyes closed. Her vent is leaking white and is constantly wet and dirty despite me cleaning her up. I saw her “drooling” water and she shook her head.
I’ve given her some plain Greek yogurt with a little water just to her beak, though I do have chick starter crumble as well as ground eggshells in the brooder.
I’ve never seen this in a chick before and none of the others are showing any signs. My brooder is indoors and I keep it very clean and the water clear. What else can I do for her?
I’ve given her some plain Greek yogurt with a little water just to her beak, though I do have chick starter crumble as well as ground eggshells in the brooder.
I’ve never seen this in a chick before and none of the others are showing any signs. My brooder is indoors and I keep it very clean and the water clear. What else can I do for her?