Possible water belly??

I would try to get her drinking some electrolytes or sugar water, and then eating in the morning. You canntey to drain her with an 18 or 20 gaguge needle and syringe after disinfecting her belly. But water belly is usually fatal eventually. It happens from reproductive disorders such as salpingitis or egg yolk peritonitis, cancer, fatty liver disease, or heart failure. Here in post 13 are some pictures of draining a hen with water belly:
OK I'll try in the morning thank you SOO much!!!
If her abdomen below her vent feels full of liquid/swollen I would drain it! Did this with one of my hens and it kept her alive for a few more months. Wish her the best!
Okay, I may try that. I'll give her electrolyte water and separate her from the rest of my chickens. I don't have anything to drain her with, but I'll see if the store has anything. Do you guys know what stores may have an 18 gauge needle?
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Tractor Supply and most feed stores such as Rural King, Southern States, and others would sell 35 ml syringes and 18, 20, and 22 gauge needles. They are usually locked up, and some state my have a state law not to sell them.

Every case is different, but my only hen that I chose to drain, lived only about 2 weeks. I had hens with symptoms of water belly who lived a longer time. The risks are introducing infection and death. Once the needle is inserted and then removed, the site can continue and drip for hours. I would give some electrolytes in water or Poultry NutriDrench 2-3 ml orally after draining.

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