Possibly broody silkie?


In the Brooder
Mar 19, 2024
Southwest Florida
My 9 month old silkie is possibly broody but I'm not sure because this is my first batch of chickens. She sits in the coop (Eglu Go) a lot but not on the nesting area, on the roosting area. She'll get up and come out to join the others to free range, eat, and drink. If I pick her up and put her with the others she's fine and stays out for a bit. Sometimes she'll stay out for an hour or so before going back into the coop. She lets me pick her up out of the coop and never pecks at me or anything like that. I don't have a rooster and I collect eggs from the other laying silkie immediately.
Is she broody or what else would this behavior be?
Is she on the roost itself or nesting on the floor near the roost? If she's on the roost and not nesting, it sounds more like she might be sick or bullied rather than broody. If she's nesting under the roost, she's probably broody and if you don't plan on letting her hatch eggs you should break her broodiness by putting her in broody jail which is a bare bottomed dog crate (it MUST be bare bottomed so she can't nest) with food water and a perch for a few days. If you let her stay broody without letting her set or breaking her she will lose body condition and some birds will even starve themselves to death
Is she on the roost itself or nesting on the floor near the roost? If she's on the roost and not nesting, it sounds more like she might be sick or bullied rather than broody. If she's nesting under the roost, she's probably broody and if you don't plan on letting her hatch eggs you should break her broodiness by putting her in broody jail which is a bare bottomed dog crate (it MUST be bare bottomed so she can't nest) with food water and a perch for a few days. If you let her stay broody without letting her set or breaking her she will lose body condition and some birds will even starve themselves to death
I think I'll try broody jail. The Eglu coop has a set up where there isn't a "roost" necessarily. It's more of an area with slats next to a flat area for nesting. She just sits there until I take her out. She seems normal otherwise and is definitely higher on the pecking order.

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