Possibly egg bound bantam EE

Wow, I'm really upset. I gave her another warm water soak then put her back on the heat pad. I just checked on her again and she passed.
Thanks for the advice and trying to help.

This was her. She was one of the first chicks I hatched out in my incubator.

I'm gong to go bury her and I will place a flower with her from each of you.

Thanks again
I did a post-mortem and it was pretty gross. I process a lot of chickens and ducks and this was not normal. It looked like a yolk and white all scrambled together. It even smelled kind of rotten eggy. No egg shell pieces just the scramble.
I did a post-mortem and it was pretty gross. I process a lot of chickens and ducks and this was not normal. It looked like a yolk and white all scrambled together. It even smelled kind of rotten eggy. No egg shell pieces just the scramble.

Really sorry she didn't respond well to your efforts, but commend you for givin' it such a good try.

It's an unpleasant task, most esp. when performing necropsy on one that you found so personally important. In keepin' chickens, you're gonna have things happen, but those lost can provide important informations that can benefit the entire flock, which I find somewhat comforting ... at least, in this way, there's some good that comes from it.

Here's an excellent tutorial on the basics of performing necropsies. And, I apologize for the tasteless timing of the link, but I am certain you would find it useful. Again, I'm sorry she didn't improve.

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