Possibly hatching early??


7 Years
Dec 29, 2017
Battle Ground, WA
Ducklings are Cayuga/Khaki Campbell mixes. They're supposed to hatch on Thursday but I'm curious if the heat wave had 2 weeks ago may have sped up a bit of the incubation. We're on day 25 today. All 9 eggs are underneath 3 broody chickens.
I can literally feel them pecking at the eggshell.

Could they be getting ready to hatch early??
They may hatch early but they still could be in the egg a few more days, ducklings are slow at hatching.
I'm hoping they hatch on the day that they're supposed to as I'm going to be splitting the 3 broody hens.
Our blue wyandotte is going to raise 5 ducklings, our black australorp is going to raise 2 ducklings + 3 chicks I'm getting at feed store, and our bantam hen is going to raise the other 2 ducklings.
There's a good chance they maybe out by Wednesday, but like I said ducklings are very much slow pokes about hatching. It's wait and see.
I moved all that are most advanced underneath our blue wyandotte since she'll be the first one to leave the nest.
And even though it confuses her, I can tell that hearing my whistling is making the ducklings work harder

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