Possum attack, chicken injured


Sep 22, 2023
Currently we have our chicken in a tub with a heating pad. Her tail feathers were ripped out so that's a bit bloody. Worst of her injury is a toe that may be past a broken state and hanging on with pure stubbornness. She does put weight on the foot last we checked and her other foot only has a abrasion at worst. Our main concern is the toe that we put cornstarch on then washed with water and used a bandaid. She's a fighter and I believe she will pull through, but the toe is obviously our biggest concern. I did not take pictures of the wound because we were busy just trying to get her a place to relax before we could check the other, luckily safe, birds. The injured toe is on her left foot, left outer toe I believe. Any advice to make sure it heals as best it can?
Sorry to hear of the attack. :hugs
Let me offer you some info that may comfort you slightly.
I have chickens that lost toes,, due to various reasons. All natural occurring. May have been Chicken osteoporosis.:idunno
Chickens lived a normal life with stubby feet.
Keep wound clean,, and possibly place some gauze to keep it clean. If you have BluKote, it is good to apply to wounded area. It is a wound antiseptic.
After a few days, wound should be scabbed/healed, so remove gauze so it gets air, and stays dry.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:hugs

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