Post pictures of your Meyer hatchery Cookies & Cream chickens (Hens & Roosters)!!


Just in case anyone was wondering what Artemis's comb looks like under all that fluff (her crest feathers keep falling into the water bowl)
I forgot to post Artemis's first egg here. She started laying Nov 13 and has turned out to be a really reliable layer. She gives us about 4-5 medium-large eggs a week.

She does consistently lay in a corner instead of the nest box (i don't think she's  ever laid in the nest box). I'm not sure if it's because she's lowest in the pecking order or if it's because there's always someone else in the nest box when she's ready to lay.
It does seem like she's getting her head feathers picked, although in her case it seems to be working in her favor because now her crest is less likely to be dunked in the water bowl.
Always gotta be involved!

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