Ended Post Your Best (Worst) Chicken Molt Pictures - 2024

Okay! This weird, scraggly thing used to be an Easter Egger hen named Cinder. I'm not sure when the metamorphosis happened - it's like a couple days ago I had a hen, but yesterday I looked out and it's like Cronenberg had visited the coop. Unlike my other bad molter this year, though, Cinder gets sweeter instead of crankier, and she seeks out other chickens to snuggle against.

I love this description for roosters; I'm stealing it! I already get a bunch of flack from a couple of my friends for often using the word "sexy" as a descriptor for my birds, so I might as well double down. 🤣
This would be a great adult thread. How to describe your co… eh-hem, rooster.
RIP Petra
She was in a hard molt and after she grew her beautiful feathers in, she died.

Breed: Black Laced Wyandotte
Name: Petra ( which means Rock)
There is a story behind her. 😢

Entry 1
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So sorry for your loss. :hugs :hugs

If you want, feel free to share her story.

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