Post your hard riddles here!

Heres an oldie but goodie-

You are at a river, no other people with you.
You have: 1 boat, 1 Fox, 1 Hen, and 1 bag of scratch for the hen.

You can only take 1 item with you per trip, how do you get all three across the river without one of the critters eating any of the others or the scratch?
Haha! I know this one but I dont wanna ruin it for everyone
Haha! I know this one but I dont wanna ruin it for everyone

THANKS!! I was hoping to get folks to have to think on that one!!
I just LOVE it when no one spoils the fun!!!
I want to know the answer to Chickenpeople's riddle!
And by the way, an umbrella is the answer to Chickenpeople's other riddle.
Also, what is the answer to suzettex5's riddle?

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