Pot gardening thread!!!


Sep 4, 2019
Idaho -- currently roadschooling
My Coop
My Coop
I'm getting into pot gardening this year! I've gardened in beds and raised house plants and mint in pots but this will be my first time raising tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, etc. in containers.

Please give advice, share your experiences and what you're trying this year, and simply chat about your pot gardens!
I've never really done too much gardening in pots besides herbs and flowers, but this year we are converting the one side of the barn into a greenhouse. It will be 15'Wx30'L and 10'H on the taller side 7' clearance on the lower with insulated polycarbonate panels on the sides/roof. We have electric, heat and running water already out there although I'm looking into solar powered greenhouse heaters/humidifiers. I'm planning on growing some dwarf fruit trees and vegetables that don't store well so we have them all year round. The floor is concrete so everything will be grown in large pots and some trough/beds we're building. I'm excited to also try my hand at cucumbers, zucchini and tomatoes in pots. I also want to grow my broccoli and cauliflower in there since they just get so buggy when grown in a traditional garden.
I just realized I forgot to post pictures!

Photos taken in mid-May

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